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Some questions from a newbie


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Hi everybody! I'm new here and I'm having some issues with various things, so I'm gonna post here my questions to see if somebody's able to help me:


The Nexus MM works well till I try to start the game (Skyrim) with the "Launch custom skyrim" command, cause it says "no custom launch command has been set", and I can only play at the plain version of the game. how do I solve it?


I paid for the 1 month premium, and wanna know if it refreshes automatically and how to change it.


At last, I wanna know how to install ENB, cause I find that it doesn't work to me.


Thanx for your time!

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1. A 'custom' launch command is one you create - that's what makes it custom. If you have a different program that you use to start the game then this is where you put it. The "Launch with SKSE' is an example of a premade custom start command that launches Skyrim with the SKSE launcher instead of the Slyrim launcher.


2. I see that your premium is active - typically you have to log out and back on to see it.


3. ENB I can't help with as I don't use it on my weak computer as it will slow things down.

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The Nexus does NOT process automatic renewals. You will get a message (I think it's an email) reminding you that your Premium Membership is going to expire, but that's all. :thumbsup:

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