Texximus Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 Hey all... I keep getting random CTD's which I'm used to... it happens... but when I try to load the last save or even 2 or 3 saves back it just sits at the loading animation. Taskmanager says Skyrim is not responding and I've also noticed everytime this happens the memory usage is around or over 2million k. I've re-installed the game, tried no mods still happens. I even bought a SSD hard drive to install just skyrim on and still have issue. Ideas? If ya want I can list my mods but would need assistance cuz I don't know how to do that other than open up NMM and manually typing them all in. Any help would rock! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolvenEdge Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 >ears perk< If you are using a windows computer, then you can screenshot your modlist by just pressing the 'print screen/sysRq' button. Then just open Paint and ctrl-V it in, then save it as a jpg to wherever you can find it on your computer. Easiest way I have found of keeping track of my working modlist. >head tilt left, ears droop< I have the random CTD also, but I have had no problem reopening my saves. Do you have similar issues with other steam games? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
prod80 Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 umm, modlist is simply here; %userprofile%\appdata\local\skyrim\plugins.txt Have you changed your skyrim ini files, by any chance... and if so, what have you changed..? skyrim without mods eating 2GB+ mem !? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texximus Posted May 14, 2013 Author Share Posted May 14, 2013 >ears perk< If you are using a windows computer, then you can screenshot your modlist by just pressing the 'print screen/sysRq' button. Then just open Paint and ctrl-V it in, then save it as a jpg to wherever you can find it on your computer. Easiest way I have found of keeping track of my working modlist. >head tilt left, ears droop< I have the random CTD also, but I have had no problem reopening my saves. Do you have similar issues with other steam games?Sweet... here's the list of mods... I am using Wyre, Boss, NMM, TES5 etc where applicable. I've tried different enbs but that makes it worse. Update.esmDawnguard.esmHearthFires.esmDragonborn.esmApachiiHair.esmApachiiHairFemales.esmApachiiHairMales.esmAzarHair.esmRaceCompatibility.esmSkyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm3rdEraWeaponsMoS.esmClimatesOfTamriel.esmEagleEyePerk.esmGeneralStores.esmJSwords.esmLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esmOmegared99-Compilation.esmSkyMoMod.esmSPIKE.esmHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.espUnofficial Skyrim Patch.espUnofficial Dawnguard Patch.espUnofficial Hearthfire Patch.espunofficial dragonborn patch.espunofficial high resolution patch.espStaticMeshImprovementMod.espStaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.espTradeBarter.espAV1Dragon_Lords.espbetteranimals.espBook Covers Skyrim.espCraftableCloudStorage(GS).espDecorator Assistant - SKSE.espDragonbornDisenchanting.espenhancedgameplay-extendedwe.espGDAmulets.espHearthFireStores(GS).esphere there be monsters.espImmersive Battles.espImmersive Brigands.espImmersive Dawnguard.espImmersive Factions.espImmersive Mercenaries.espImmersive Patrols.espImmersive Travelers.espImmersive Werewolves.espjbs_gem_cutting.espLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - The Goddess ENB.espUnlimitedBookshelves.espLost Art of the Blacksmith.espMore Craftables.espConvertible Azura's Star.espRadiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE.espsmithing&clothings_variety_mod.espValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espYngolBarrowButtonFix.espAuto Unequip Ammo.espDragon Soul Relinquishment.espDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.espMark Books as Read.espRaceMenu.espRaceMenuPlugin.espSkyUI.espiHUD.espaMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.espAndragorn's Armoury.espAsharaPrinceOfTheWoods.espAsharaRadiantRaiment.espblack mage armor.espBloodWitchArmor.espCraftable Artifacts.espdiamondarchery.espElvenWeaponry.espGDRangerArmor.espGDAttire.espGDWeaponry.espHBetterBows.esphothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espHuntressArmor.espJSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esplanterns.espLustmordVampireArmor.espNewermind Bow Collection.espNicos Craftable Arrows.espNicoroshi Creations.espNobleFemaleClothes.espOmegared99-WeaponSets.espscoutarmor.espskyforgedShields.espsvs L&M.espTaliArmor.espTrissArmorRetextured.espUltraVision.espUnique Uniques.espWeaponsOf3E.espWeaponsOf3E - No Leveled Lists.esp3rdEraWeapMoS-lvlList.espComplete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.espERSO 01 - VRR only new heights.espERSO 02 - EFMS very bigger giant mammoths.espDeadlyDragons.espERSO 03 - Nightmare Mighty Dragons Unleveled.espERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.espERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.espERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.espERSO 07 - Super Mighty Dragon Priests.espERSO 08 - RUS-00 Main plus Dawnguard Dragonborn.espERSO 08.1 - ERSO EXTREME MIRAAK.espERSO 08.2 - ERSO EXTREME HARKON.espERSO 09 - Vendor Trainer Quest-giver protected.espERSO 09.2 - Radiance.espERSO 10 - RUS-(SIM)-Travellers and Adventurers.espERSO 10.02 - Adventurers and Travelers.espERSO 11 - RUS-(SIM)-Assassins and Thieves.espERSO 12 - RUS-(SIM)-Werewolves.espERSO 18 - LAWE Hardcore.espERSO 21.01 PM Dungeons.espERSO 21.02 PM Blackreach.espERSO 21.03 PM Dwemer.espMIDFollowMeCloser.espMonster Wars.espquest_andtherealmsofdaedra.espbettercitiesnewfarm.espbettercitiesdocksolitude.espbettercitiesmorebees.espbettercitiesjarlshouses.espbetterdawnstar.espbettermarkarthexterieur.espbetterwinterhold.espCZHCAD.espCZHCAD_DG.espCZHCAD_HF.espElysiumEstate.esptos_granitehall.espImmersive Events.espquest_nomercy.espquest_pitfighter.espquest_pitfighter_dlc01.espquest_sorcery.espquest_seaofghosts.espthe asteria - dwemer airship.espquest_thebiggertheyare.espThe Paarthurnax Dilemma.esptowBlockSteal.espwyrmstooth.espZamfir's Archery Emporium.espfemale mannequins.espfemale mannequins in homes.espMasters of Death.esparmored-horses.espbetterfactionscomplete.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Books.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Weightless).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Weightless).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).espHeadbomb's Better Sorting - Spells.espBetter Skill and Quest Books Names - BS.espgiant_giants_and_mammoths.espGuard Dialogue Overhaul.espHeadtracking.esphfsm.espImmersive Weapons.espUnreadBooksGlow.esptos_amber_guard.esptos_laintardale.esptos_laintardale_hf.esptos_oakwood_hf.espRealistic Lighting.espRealistic Lighting Patcher.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.espRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.espClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.espdD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.espShowRaceMenuAlternative.espprivate_nokillblur_test.espCrimson Tide - Blood.espABT - Faster Bolts Improved +100%.espABT - Faster Arrows Improved +100%.espABT - Increased Bolts Damage (BS and CCO) +50%.espABT - Increased Progressive Damage (BS and CCO) +150%.espSneak Tools.espSneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.espSneak Tools Vanilla Masks.espdD-No Spinning Death Animation.espLovelyHairstylesLITE.esp3DNPC.espHousecarlBeauties.espSpousetocustomhome.espethereal_elven_overhaul.espWATER.espWATER Plants.espWATER DB Waves.espGeneralStores(CCS-DG-HF).espBashed Patch, 0.espvAutosaveManager.espLessIntrusiveHUD.espuniquebows.espall hair colors for all races.espbee.espbetterdawnguard.espbetterfire.espblackglasst.espCandlelight_Toggle_x6.espcollectors crypt.espCrossbows_Basic_Collection_EN_LL.espdisenchantuniqueitemsdlc.espDogs-of-Skyrim.espdragonborn craftable.espdragonborndlccraftingmaterials.espdragonbornsupplies.espDudestiaOutfitChanger.espdunmerthief.espeasymine.espegp2.espenhancedgameplay-randomizedleveledobjects.espenhancedhighhrothgarbymat.espfortheljarchen.espfortwinstad.espfzbuildablehouse.espGoTS.esphearthfire supplies merchant.esphelgenrebuilt.esphere there be monsters - call of cthulhu.espkkdrbreplacer.esplanterns dragonborn.espA Perfect Assasin.espmarchanditinerant.espnew morthal.espnew ravenrock.espnewplaceddawnguard.espnewplacehermaeusshrine.espOpulentOutfitsV2Universal.espOrganized Books v1.2.espquickshot60.espRealistic Lighting Addon.espskyrim overhaul guilds.espskyrimoverhauldragonborn.espSupremeCandleLight.espThe Ningheim.espUnique Uniques - Craftable Dragonbane.espAutomatic Variants.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texximus Posted May 14, 2013 Author Share Posted May 14, 2013 I'm a mod addict... I know it... I tried to go to meetings but there's always a mod along the way... everytime I cut down on the mods something new & shiney comes out that I HAVE TO HAVE. Oh and here's my system specs... AMD FX 8350Sabertooth 990FX/Gen3 R2.0 motherboardCooler Master Seidon 240M Liquid/Water CPU CoolerG.SKILL Ripjaws X series 16GB 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)GeForce GTX 560 ti (had to skimp on the card to put in SSDs So that being said... wtf am I having issues lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 (edited) Load orders are pretty useless these days, can you replace your load order with a BOSS log (with the messages), including the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen. Also, if you can answer the following: - have you installed any mods that do not come with plugins (and therefore won't show up in a BOSS log), like texture replacers? If so, list them too (enclose the list in spoiler tags).- have you made any edits to the game ini files? If so, copy/paste the contents of the game ini files into a spoiler tag. Edited May 14, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WolvenEdge Posted May 14, 2013 Share Posted May 14, 2013 >ears down and back, eyes wide< that. . . is a lot of mods. What size is your page file(virtual RAM)? If your processor is bottlenecking your graphics (I counted three HD tex packs, not including lighting overhauls and other graphics-intensive eye candy), I would suggest getting the IOBit GameBooster or other similar software to lighten the load on it a bit. If your GPU and video ram is the problem, then find a good streamlined card, one that will fit even with the SSDs. I know ATI doesn't have the same level of graphical control as NVidia, but the cards work well anyway and also come with their own cooling systems, good overclocking interface, and massive video ram even in just the 7000 series. Check your task manager to see how much of your processor and page file are being used as a gage of how much stress you are putting on the system. If you are overfilling ram, bottlenecking either your CPU or GPU, or just overwriting textures between packs often enough that the game has trouble loading, then just drop some of the extra eye candy. >ears droop< Sorry if that doesn't help, it's all I've got. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Texximus Posted May 14, 2013 Author Share Posted May 14, 2013 I don't know how to do the spoiler thing... as far as my vram it's set static 24423mb. Load orders are pretty useless these days, can you replace your load order with a BOSS log (with the messages), including the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen. Also, if you can answer the following: - have you installed any mods that do not come with plugins (and therefore won't show up in a BOSS log), like texture replacers? If so, list them too (enclose the list in spoiler tags).- have you made any edits to the game ini files? If so, copy/paste the contents of the game ini files into a spoiler tag.Yeah I'm thinking of what to drop... really not sure what to give up... again I'm a mod junky... do I REALLY care about WATER??? etc... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 Type the following, without the spaces: [ s p o i l e r ]copy/paste a log here[ / s p o i l e r ] Repeat for all the requested logs. Don't uninstall anything, yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grtim5 Posted May 15, 2013 Share Posted May 15, 2013 >ears down and back, eyes wide< that. . . is a lot of mods. What size is your page file(virtual RAM)? If your processor is bottlenecking your graphics (I counted three HD tex packs, not including lighting overhauls and other graphics-intensive eye candy), I would suggest getting the IOBit GameBooster or other similar software to lighten the load on it a bit. If your GPU and video ram is the problem, then find a good streamlined card, one that will fit even with the SSDs. I know ATI doesn't have the same level of graphical control as NVidia, but the cards work well anyway and also come with their own cooling systems, good overclocking interface, and massive video ram even in just the 7000 series. Check your task manager to see how much of your processor and page file are being used as a gage of how much stress you are putting on the system. If you are overfilling ram, bottlenecking either your CPU or GPU, or just overwriting textures between packs often enough that the game has trouble loading, then just drop some of the extra eye candy. >ears droop< Sorry if that doesn't help, it's all I've got. The issue here is not a hardware one at all... You hit briefly upon the real issue...but the VRAM has nothing to do with it... The drivers use the pagefile to adjust to whatever the hardware VRAM of the card is this is part of the API layer that allows a modern game to function. What occurs though is that the Windows Default is that it is on your "C" drive and that it is managed by Windows... Both not good... so go into your, Control panel/System/Advanced System Settings/Advanced tab/performance/settings/advanced tab/virtual memory/change you will find that windows has defaulted to the "C" drive... and that it is being managed by windows... this you can do a few things that solve the issue.. You have 16 GB system memory... You want a custom sized page file 8GB Min (initial) and then up to your 16GB Max. you need to set the PAGEFILE to a different drive than your O/S and when you do this it will require a re-boot. Come back to the same place after to confirm the changes in the pagefile. That should stop the the pregnant duck effect, and reduce lag as well as give the drivers more virtual memory... The game is a 32 bit application. There are review after review at HardOCP and Anandtech that show VRAM does not effect frame rates in fact the 4 GB cards are no real help other that at extreme resolution (IE Exceeding 2560 x 1600) HardOCP did it with a heavily modded skyrim as well.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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