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Random CTD's and saves won't load


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What did you end up doing with the plugins not recognized by BOSS?

Cleaned them and got rid of some. I really like weapon/armor mods... plus eye-candy ones (non-nude). The automatic variants mods are awesome... it's nice to see different mob variations now.

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I have same problem: outdoor saves will stuck on loading after crash. Although, nothing unbearable.

Now, after sleeping 31 days I crash at this place (needs like two steps forward to crash):


So I suppose there is some mods conflict, which edit that cell. Is it possible to see in tes5edit?

The thing is there is no crash before sleeping, so something is added after refreshing cells.

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I have same problem: outdoor saves will stuck on loading after crash. Although, nothing unbearable.

Now, after sleeping 31 days I crash at this place (needs like two steps forward to crash):


So I suppose there is some mods conflict, which edit that cell. Is it possible to see in tes5edit?

The thing is there is no crash before sleeping, so something is added after refreshing cells.

HA! I crash there as well... but mostly on the way TO Riverwood from the start. As much as I'd like to play without using fast travel it doesn't seem feasible with these issues.


Did you try starting a new game after uninstalling the mods?


Yeah Ripp... that's my general rule of thumb after reading some of the stuff about scripts being left behind causing all kinds of havok. Needless to say I have the game pretty much memorized up to Alduin besides all the side stuff.

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At this point, there are only a few options left to try and stabilize the modded set up (the 'extreme' kind). The first is to continue trimming you list of mods. I missed the post you made earlier about TES5Edit flagging Call of Cthulu as error records. I've never used that mod, do not know what sort of error it contains. You can right click on it in TES5Edit and select 'check for errors', and it will display any error records. You can either try to correct any error records (which is more 'advanced usage' for TES5Edit and require you to be able to interpret plugin records), or just uninstall such mods.


If that still doesn't work, reverting to vanilla game state and a full reinstall of mods might be unavoidable.


By the way, often are your CTDs (on average)?


Repost your new BOSS log after you are done and we'll give it another overview.

Edited by ripple
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At this point, there are only a few options left to try and stabilize the modded set up (the 'extreme' kind). The first is to continue trimming you list of mods. I missed the post you made earlier about TES5Edit flagging Call of Cthulu as error records. I've never used that mod, do not know what sort of error it contains. You can right click on it in TES5Edit and select 'check for errors', and it will display any error records. You can either try to correct any error records (which is more 'advanced usage' for TES5Edit and require you to be able to interpret plugin records), or just uninstall such mods.


If that still doesn't work, reverting to vanilla game state and a full reinstall of mods might be unavoidable.


By the way, often are your CTDs (on average)?


Repost your new BOSS log after you are done and we'll give it another overview.

Well MOST of the time I can remember is while crafting... scrolling quickly down the list and bam CTD. Othertimes is vary random nothing stands out really. Oh and the 1st dragon quest at the tower is messed up... the dragon never comes. I found him by tcl and he's up by Bleak Fall Barrow... just do a resetai on him and off he goes business as usual. But alas if this run doesn't work out I'm probably going to have to do a clean install and minimal mods... which sucks... hard.

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1) what's your operating system?


2) I wish you had mentioned the crafting menu CTDs earlier. They are usually attributed to something other than the sort that causes completely random CTDs (the ones you get just walking around somewhere). Usually, the crafting menu CTDs are caused by insufficient vram as the game attempts to load all the object menu meshes and textures that is cluttering the interface (Bethesda really screwed up royally on the Skyrim UI for crafting), or there is one or more faulty mesh/texture/combo from a mod. Is this happening mostly in the smithing menu, cooking, or one of the other crafting menus? If you can reproduce the exact item that causes the CTD, then you know the source of the problem (even if you can isolate this as strictly in cooking or strictly in smithing, that would make it easy to track down the culprit). Otherwise, you may need to use something like 'Texture Optimizer' to compress all mod textures to a lower resolution (say 1024), even though you have a high end rig.


3) the bug your reported with the first dragon is a serious 'quest breaking' issue, most assuredly caused by a mod. You might need to get a save from before you start that quest, and then disable your mods in groups and test to see which mod in your load order is responsible for this. With the exception of the DLCs, patch esm, and the unofficial patches, divide all of your plugins into two groups. Disable the first half, then test and see if the quest triggers work properly and the dragon appears where it should. If it doesn't, enable the first half and disable the second half, then test. If the bug goes away, then divide the second half of the mods into two more groups, and keep repeating this until you can narrow down to the one plugin that is causing the bug.

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I found culprit in my case: it's Expanded Diversity optional for Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Disabling it made CTD to go away.


I looked at your load order and all I can say is that your save is beyond the hope. You really need to cut out number of mods running and start new game. That's the only option.

Just post your new load order before starting anew.

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1) what's your operating system?


2) I wish you had mentioned the crafting menu CTDs earlier. They are usually attributed to something other than the sort that causes completely random CTDs (the ones you get just walking around somewhere). Usually, the crafting menu CTDs are caused by insufficient vram as the game attempts to load all the object menu meshes and textures that is cluttering the interface (Bethesda really screwed up royally on the Skyrim UI for crafting), or there is one or more faulty mesh/texture/combo from a mod. Is this happening mostly in the smithing menu, cooking, or one of the other crafting menus? If you can reproduce the exact item that causes the CTD, then you know the source of the problem (even if you can isolate this as strictly in cooking or strictly in smithing, that would make it easy to track down the culprit). Otherwise, you may need to use something like 'Texture Optimizer' to compress all mod textures to a lower resolution (say 1024), even though you have a high end rig.


3) the bug your reported with the first dragon is a serious 'quest breaking' issue, most assuredly caused by a mod. You might need to get a save from before you start that quest, and then disable your mods in groups and test to see which mod in your load order is responsible for this. With the exception of the DLCs, patch esm, and the unofficial patches, divide all of your plugins into two groups. Disable the first half, then test and see if the quest triggers work properly and the dragon appears where it should. If it doesn't, enable the first half and disable the second half, then test. If the bug goes away, then divide the second half of the mods into two more groups, and keep repeating this until you can narrow down to the one plugin that is causing the bug.

My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium. Was gonna go with ultimate but really don't "need" it. As far as the CTD's... a lot of the time it's whenever I'm scrolling QUICKLY through the crafting list to find what I wanna craft. Usually thats smithing but has also happened with other tools. I get a lot of the not responding when zoneing from indoors to outdoors etc.

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