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Random CTD's and saves won't load


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>ears up< All advice I have given is based entirely on the hardware itself. . . I like learning this stuff, so I will follow this thread for advice as well. If I am ever going to make any mods I want to do it right, and I am turning into a bit of a mod addict myself. Unfortunately, my poor computer has an older processer (P IV 3.0 GHtz) so my graphics card (with a lovely 700 MHtz core clock and 1 G video RAM) is pretty much running my games for me.


I find that my CTD's often happen when I enter a major forest cell, but never when in a dungeon, city, or house, so I think I am overloading my poor 2 G RAM thanks to still running windows XP x86, so the page file tip will be a big help.


>head tilts right< Are you having trouble loading any and every game, or does loading into a smaller area like a cave or house help?


It's been every game... I've tried loading inside the starter dungeon, just outside it & close to Riverwood (I CTD before I get to Riverwood unless I cheat and fast travel using TMM1 in the console.)

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>ears half droop< you said in your first post that you tried Skyrim vanilla and it still crashed your saves, right?

All I can think of now are hardware or software compatibility issues, and hardware compatibility issues are so rare now as to be almost obsolete. All I have left as potential problems are driver compatibility options or, if you are using Windows 7, perhaps your security system standing in the way. I know all of these are long shots, but I can't think of anything elst right now.

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The cleaning process is basically automated, so just follow the step by step instruction and you will be fine. Remember that after you apply filter for cleaning, you need to 1) remove identical to master records and 2) undelete/disable deleted references (this is more important CTD prevention-wise, and is why I suggest you just remove 'Better Cities...' instead of cleaning those plugins). Clean only the plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits', and clean those plugins -only- once.


If you really want to keep some of the unrecognized plugins, then you should clean them (only once). But even after you clean them, you would need to go through the plugin records to see if they contain conflicting records with other plugins in your load order, and decide where they should load to 'optimize' load order stability. Alternatively, you can uninstall only the unrecognized plugins that contain conflicting records, and keep those that do not.

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What should I do about the lines (some even in the masters after applying filter for cleaning) that have red backgrounds and some even with red text? After I clean the ITM & UDR's should I run that clean masters option? Gopher didn't go over that in the video and I can seem to find any instruction on them except that they are conflicts


Thanks again for all the help

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No, don't clean masters. Just do the simple 3 step program: apply filter for cleaning (wait for the scan to finish), right click on plugin to remove identical to master entries, right click on plugin again to undelete/disable deleted references. That's it. Save the changes by exiting TES5Edit after you finish cleaning. If everything is done correctly, after you finish cleaning and run BOSS again, the plugins should no longer show up as containing 'dirty edits.'

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OK going thru cleaning... I've come across messages like this a couple times... these were from dragonborndlccraftingmaterials.esp



<Warning: Unused data in: \ [00] Skyrim.esm \ [58] GRUP Top "WRLD" \ [11] GRUP World Children of CWTestHold "Avoidance Exterior" [WRLD:0001B44A] \ [2] GRUP Exterior Cell Block 0, 0 \ [0] GRUP Exterior Cell Sub-Block 0, 0 \ [18] TestCWHoldStart [CELL:0001B513] (in CWTestHold "Avoidance Exterior" [WRLD:0001B44A] at 0,0) \ [3] DATA - Flags>
<Warning: Unused data in: \ [00] Skyrim.esm \ [58] GRUP Top "WRLD" \ [11] GRUP World Children of CWTestHold "Avoidance Exterior" [WRLD:0001B44A] \ [0] [CELL:0001B4C6] (in CWTestHold "Avoidance Exterior" [WRLD:0001B44A] at 0,0) \ [2] DATA - Flags>
In this particular mod there were no ITM's or UDR's so no cleaning was done... however, Update.esm & Dragonborn.esm both have red backgrounds. So confused... my only comfort is... I can't break it anymore than it already is! LOL
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Don't worry about the 'unused data' messages. Just clean the plugins. Post your new BOSS log after you are done and we'll double check to see if everything is ok.

Edited by ripple
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No, don't clean masters. Just do the simple 3 step program: apply filter for cleaning (wait for the scan to finish), right click on plugin to remove identical to master entries, right click on plugin again to undelete/disable deleted references. That's it. Save the changes by exiting TES5Edit after you finish cleaning. If everything is done correctly, after you finish cleaning and run BOSS again, the plugins should no longer show up as containing 'dirty edits.'


OK thank you.. glad I didn't try it then :) So far I've gotten the Recognized Plugins ALL clean :) Still some messages about Bash Tag suggestions but they are already tagged that way in Bash.

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