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Mod Problems Like Crazy.


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Hello everyone!


So last week I was playing skyrim with some mods active (close to 50) and everything was working just fine. But then I added an elf follower mod and every thing, I mean EVERYTHING broke. Ever since then I have been working on fixing mod conflictions and I have gotten the majority of my mods working again. Athough there are a few must have mods for me that refuse to let me load skyrim when active. Forgive me for using gyazo to show pictures but I am not allowed (apperently) to post image extensions.


Here is a the load order for the mods that are working.




Now here is the list of stuff that isn't working and that I would really like active.




The mods that I can no longer play without are as follows.


Pure Waters

Improved Combat Sounds

Sos Dungeons (my favorite mod ever)

Aesir Armor


Skyre (my game is not complete without this mod D:)


No Kill Moves

Cooking Overhaul


Keep in mind every mod listed on this thread was in use at the same time last week. Only after I tried that follower mod did they stop working. After they stopped working I completely wiped my skyrim directory and started fresh before loading all of these mods again. Also I have tried BOSS and it still wont work. I am unconfortable trying BOSS again because of how long it took me to get the load order right on the mods that do work. So does anyone have any ideas as to why these mods make my game crash on the loading screen? Is it even possible for me to get them working again?


Thanks in advance to anyone who helps! :biggrin:

Edited by Rathaan
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