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Mission and Quest Replays


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The idea behind this is to disable the flag that removes the quest or mission givers when you complete the mission or quest. The second part is to reinstate those mission and quest givers if you have already completed them pre-mod. Many of these scripts can be found in the Domino folder (LUA files). I'm no expert, so I'm going to need the help of the modding community. I'll be doing some research on how these scripts work together.


Allow replayability of the following:

  • Side Quests
  • Path of the Hunter
  • Wanted Dead
  • Main Missions

Re-enabling Wanted Dead and Side Quests should be simpler. It's probably a matter of disabling the flag that will mark it for removal (i.e. posters and quest givers) after completion.
No rare animal replays in Path of the Hunter because these cannot be sold nor re-crafted. However, if another mod allows you to sell rare animal skins, then it should be doable.

Main Missions are a little trickier. So here's the breakdown of how these missions can be initiated.

  • Make A Break For It
  • Down In Amanaki Town
  • Harvest The Jungle
  • Secure The Outpost

These missions will not be included. They cannot be initiated on the map. You'll have to start a new game.

  • Mushrooms In The Deep

To start this mission: Talk to Dr. Earnhardt in his greenhouse

  • The Medusa's Call

To start this mission: Go to the Medusa. In theory, you'll most likely have to quit the mission after you complete it because it'll immediately replay the mission if you're inside the area.

  • Playing The Spoiler

To start this mission: Talk to Dennis in Amanaki Village. Will the weapons depot respawn?

  • Prison Break-In
  • Island Port Hotel
  • Keeping Busy

To start this sequence of missions: Go to Sunset Cove/Pirate's Cove

  • Meet Citra

This mission will not be included as it conflicts with the other Citra meetings later on.

  • Bad Side of Town

This mission will not be included as it conflicts with the next mission and the side-quest (Faces of Death).

  • Kick the Hornet's Nest

To start this mission: Talk to Willis in his shack

  • A Man Named Hoyt

To start this mission: Talk to Willis in his shack

There's a conflict here. How do you guys want to approach this problem?

  • Saving Oliver

To start this mission: Go to the area where you're suppose to intercept the convoy carrying Oliver (note: the mission starts in the forest with the komodo dragons, not at the docks)

  • Piece of the Past

To start this mission: Talk to Buck in the bar (Badtown). Will the Ship respawn?

  • Down in the Docks

To start this mission: Talk to Buck just outside the bunker

  • The Motherlode

To start this mission: Talk to Buck just outside the mines

  • Lin Cong I Presume

To start this mission: Talk to Buck outside the cenote

  • Unhappy Reunion

To start this mission: Go to Buck's hut

  • The Social Club

To start these optional missions: Pop a pill to play the first scene. Pop another pill to play the second scene. Pop a 3rd pill to play the 3rd scene. It should reset to the first scene once you've taken all three.

  • This Knife's For You

This mission will not be included as it conflicts with the other Citra meeting later on.

  • Ambush
  • Warrior Rescue Service

To start this sequence of missions: Talk to the Rakyat leader in Church Town

  • New Rite of Passage
  • Payback
  • Citra's Favor*

To start this sequence of missions: Talk to Citra

*You won't be able to speak to your friends because the entrance to the cave is blocked off unless someone figures out how to remove it

  • Fly South
  • Three Blind Mice

To start this sequence of missions: Go to the yellow ! in Amanaki Outpost

  • Doppelganger

To start this mission: Talk to Sam in Thurston Town.
Jason will now wear the Privateer Outfit.

  • Triple Decker

To start this mission: Go to the old temple

  • Defusing the Situation

To start this mission: Go to the plantation

  • Deepthroat

To start this mission: Go to the gorge

  • All In

To start this mission: Talk to Sam (note: you'll find two Sams here. He's the one leaning against the sandbags/door). Will the Compound revert back to its original state?

  • Paint It Black

To start this mission: Go to the communications center

  • Black Gold

To start this mission: Meet with Sam outside the fuel depot

  • Aced in the Hole
  • Betting Against The House
  • The Doctor Is Out
  • Hard Choices

To start this sequence of missions: Talk to Sam (note: you'll find two Sams here. He's the one NOT leaning against the sandbags/door).
Jason will now wear his original outfit plus a missing finger.


Other details

You will visit your friends in the cave 4 times (after rescuing Liza, Oliver, Keith, and breaking the bad news to them). We can't have 4 Daisies, 4 Lizas, 3 Olivers, and 2 Keiths in this cave at once ;D Any suggestions?


There will probably be some areas that will be sealed off. I don't know for sure if some of these scripts will undo it or not. If not, it's going to take awhile...


Well what do you guys think? I'll work on this during my free time. Others can pitch in as well.

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