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Are there any mods which remove the ice damage slow effect?


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I generally play mage chatacters in TES games, but I recently started my first heavy melee-focused character after installing a couple of combat mods inc. SkyRe. So far it's been a blast, with one exception: fighting necromancers(or other frost-using mages).


Quite simply, once I get hit by a frost effect it's game over. It doesn't matter how much heath I have or how weak the enemy, once my movement speed gets cut I am dead. I can't get close enough to kill them, and I can't run fast enough to retreat. It sucks all the fun out of the game.


So, are there any mods which remove this slowdown effect or, at the very least, weaken it? I'm already not the fastest character with my heavy armor, but once you add in another 50% movement cut the mages just kite me to death, since they can run backwards faster than I can run forwards.

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