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ihud broken?


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So I started up another game of New Vegas and too my surprise, ihud was not hiding any hud elements besides the crosshair. This mod has always worked for me, but now it doesm't for no reason at all. I don't have any other hud or ui mods so that's not the problem. No errors in FNVedit and no conflicts.


I tried reinstalling it, but every time I loaded up the game, it went to the main menu but it had no options and it ctd. I checked it off and the game immediately ctd at startup. The only way to stop the game from ctd was to uninstall it. I checked the mod's page and no one was having the same problem and there was no remedy in the description.


Let me sum this up.


1. ihud worked when I first installed it a while ago

2. It isn't working now

3. Unable to reinstall it without my game ctd.

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