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Knock knock, who's there?


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This idea came to me recently during my visit to Windhelm. I wanted to find Calixto, and spent several game hours searching all over the city for him. His house was locked so I assumed he wasn't at home. I play with a new character who isn't a good lockpicker (yet!) and didn't feel like breaking in during daytime anyway to make sure. So I kept on searching various houses, merchants, and the inn, without success. Finally I got fed up and did break in to his house afterall, and sure enough, there he was, sitting on his chair, eager to take me on his tour through his house of curiosities.


I don't know why his house was locked, but in fact pretty often houses are locked despite their owners being inside. That got me starting to think that it was ashame I couldn't have just knocked at his door and he would have opened up. Wouldn't it be pretty awesome and immersive if we come to any locked house to be able to knock, and depending on if the owner is there, on the time of day (of course most NPCs wouldn't open in the middle of the night), and possibly on if the owner has the desire to open or not*, he would actually open the door for us and let us in?


I'm not a modder myself, so I don't know if this is possible. But judging by all the excellent mods out there this idea doesn't seem too far off. I believe it would add greatly to immersion and be especially useful for non-thief type characters who want to get around and meet people without being totally dependent on their schedules. It would also be convenient for users of the Wet & Cold mod, in which many NPCs retreat to their houses during storms. Perhaps a short dialogue could occur through the door after we knock, though it would probably have to be unvoiced. Haven't thought the thing through yet. But what do you guys think of the idea in general?



*Some NPCs could be more eager for company than others. Of course going through every house owning NPC would be a hassle, but not undoable. Perhaps speechcraft could play a role in increasing their desire to let you in.

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Was about to type "nevermind" but then I saw the description of that mod and it's everything but "knocking" if not the name x), My idea is much different and won't comphrend any dialogue so it won't be akward but unfortunately it will have to wait for a while as I'm doing other requests atm.

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