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Would it be possible to create an Acrobatics & Athletics Skills mod?


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I was going through the Nexus, looking at some mods and eventually found this: Custom Skills Framework by meh321, and so my question is; could you use it to make an acrobatics & athletics skills mod? Like, make it so that jumping or running increases the respective skill's xp and every level up makes you jump higher or run faster? Because for some reason, nobody has made a mod for it in SE, and LE only had something that made you jump higher with stamina and player level, not an actual skill. I don't know anything at all about modding, but I can say that it would probably be easy to just make it so every time you level up in athletics your movement speed by 0.0353356891 so that level 100 would be about 3x as fast as normal (15), and acrobatics increase by using the same formula as oblivion (height = 64 + acro. skill). Although, I honestly don't have any ideas for perks, so... yeah, that's all.

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