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Fetcher Follower


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This is something that keeps toying in my head for a mod however I'm not sure how interested other people would be in such a follower.


Essentially this would mostly be for crafting and home building. A follower who is non-combative and sole purpose is to provide resources, whether that be ingots, firewood, straw, clay, leather and other common components of hearthfire-esque mods.


Typically by the time the vast majority of characters I make get to a building stage, they're pretty well connected in Skyrim. With this in mind I've often thought they'd be able to have a lackey be able to fetch resources for them whether from a warehouse or purchase.


Mechanically I don't think it'd be too difficult, I could see it working one of two ways. Either, fetcher provides items instantly for sake of convenience or they run to town and return like the NFF sell function.

To prevent cheatability potentially a request for gold before fetcher would be able to fulfill, maybe at a premium price to stop player being able to make a profit on goods.


Ultimately I'm not sure how many other people would find use in a follower like this but its something I've thought about for many years playing Skyrim and it's someone I'd have in almost any play-through which would increase my immersion. I'd be willing to consider a commission even as it really is something I'd enjoy.


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