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Rebalancing Red Fog


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Would it be possible to make the effects of Red Fog end after a soldier is healed and make it affect aliens? Would it also be possible for the effects to only occur after soldiers lose all of the health provided by armor? While I like the idea of Red Fog since it reminds me of the wounding effects from Silent Storm and Jagged Alliance, it was pretty poorly implemented.

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Tweaking the penalty is perfectly doable, there isn't much space in the function that handles it for long complex calculations, but there's room to make small improvements. Making alines run it too, or calling it again when the player is healed, I'm not sure about it. Technically it's possible, the issue is in finding the place to sneak the code in. What would you suggest for aim penalty, make it starts once the player has exhausted the extra HP from armor and from armor vest as well? And then, a % proportional to non-buffed health, -5% per each HP below, etc ??

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Would it be possible to make the effects of Red Fog end after a soldier is healed and make it affect aliens? Would it also be possible for the effects to only occur after soldiers lose all of the health provided by armor? While I like the idea of Red Fog since it reminds me of the wounding effects from Silent Storm and Jagged Alliance, it was pretty poorly implemented.


When I looked into Red Fog, the code already looks like the penalties should be removed if health is healed back to max, and the Red Fog penalties should be applying aliens as well.


I haven't verified with Red Fog, but the Battle Fatigue will penalty (for being wounded) goes away when fully healed up, and the two are applied in the same function.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, if Red Fog doesn't discriminate between 'base HP' and extra HP added by armor then in the vanilla incarnation those with better armor (and thus more HP) would have a higher capacity for being crippled than those without.


Which is. . . yeah. . . stupid.


Would be really sweet if it did discriminate.


Will would be another attribute I would like to see some discrimination about. I've lowered Will for XCOM pretty severely but I've added a will boost to most advanced equipment to simulate the effect in confidence shiny new toys has on your soliders. The problem is that I'd like the base Will to govern psi potential, resistance against psi attacks (and aggressive psi use too) but for total Will (Base + Item buffs) to govern the panic mechanism alone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I have to retract my earlier statement.


In vanilla Red Fog penalties don't apply to aliens. However, they can be modded to do so.


However, given that Red Fog penalties only apply to XCOM soldiers, making it so that the penalty only kicks in after armor HP is broached seems more practical to attempt.

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