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Cavalry Epic battle!? Other epic mod combinations?


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Mostly I'm just having fun with the idea. Taking a break at school and was looking through mods to play with tomorrow. Currently I have my character set as Tyael(purple tunic) and the ultima blade. Messing around with Blaze of Evintide and some sort of holy fire mod that makes his flames white. Added together and I got a Furious angel on horseback riding around. Planning on adding the Horsemen Mounted combat mod, AWWW YEAH! Flamming Angel of Justice in the house! If the mod works right XP
Thing is, once that is done, I sorta want to ride into an epic battle on horseback, and I do notice a few army mods, scripted battles, etc. But I'm talking about riding into an epic battle like the one Tyrannicon made a video of awhile back. My only thing against it is..well... computer power, Currently maxed out on graphics and bugfixes etc. So it only crashes when I do something dumb while modding. However in this case, I think it'll crash just from processing the battle mass. Not to mention I want to get alot of NPC's on Horseback battling it out.


IDK what do you all think? Worth it lol?

What are some of your most epic mod combinations? Epic win or fail?

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