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Multiple retextures as skin colours


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I'm working on a number of Khajiit retextures to make them look like tigers, leopards, etc. I don't want to replace the base texture though, especially because I aim to be making a minimum of six textures, so my question to anyone that knows the answer: is it possible to set a particular texture as 'skin colour' and so change the texture from leopard to tiger to base khajiit etc without having to swap out the base texture and turn every khajiit into a tiger?


Apologies for any noobness. I know a lot about art (these retextures are coming along very nicely :smile:) but very little about modding.



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The only ways that I can think of would be to either make a body for each texture that could be equipped like armor (though I don't think this would work if you were equipping actual armor), or to create a separate race for each texture.

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Hm. Well, I thought I might end up having to create a new race, so it's not so bad. But if you look at the dagi-raht khajiit mod, they have a lot of different markings in the same race. I'd like to inspect the files to get an idea of how they did it, but last I looked the author was hiding it :/

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