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Far Cry

Chute not opening


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Hi, I've been doing some extensive searchng on this and it seems to be an issue with many with the chute not opening no matter what key is bound or used when at the mission where you're being dropped off at the southern islands. Now interestingly enough I've not experienced this my first go around with the game and this was done without any modifications of any sort so I'm not certain it's to do with this mod, using the hardcore version btw. Now, while searching this out, many reported that setting the keys back to defaults worked, it didn't for me. Some state that it's the CTRL or the "E" key etc. none of which work for me. I'm commited to seeing this thru with the issue and could use some advice, other ideas etc, thanks to all. I'll list some OS relavent info below for reference.


Dell XPS17 Laptop

Windows 7 x64

Logitech G500 Laser Mouse (8.45.88 x64 drivers software)

FRAPS 3.5.99

All latest windows updates as of this writing

Edited by jking54
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