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[Request] Comunity Expansion Pack


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I remember that in the old day when i played NeverWinter there was a community effort to create an expansion pack that included most of the nice mods out there for that game. now i am wondering if something similar can be achieved for Skyrim.


knowing that there will likely not be any further official development from Bethesda for skyrim, it would be really nice to see several mods to be pack together are a Community expansion. specially keeping into account that the legendary edition is coming out and contains all the official expansion kinda removing the need to create a patch per expansion per mod.


so it would be awesome to see like a poll where we the mod users vote for what we would like to see or have. like integrating the Unofficial Patches, with the nicests Retextures, some added quests (like Path to Elsweyr, and other one).


I know we can pick and choose from many many Many mods that enhance gameplay, and improve textures and shaders and all, and also pick from a lot of added quests through mods, but it would be awesome to see like a default community choice neatly packed into a single (very large) installer like a real expansion.


This could also be something that differentiates nexusmods from any other skyrim mod communities out there.

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