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Help with placing items in the world via GECK


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I've finished up modeling a new weapon for New Vegas, and I've placed it in Doc Mitchell's house (yeah I know, unoriginal, but I'm only testing it at the moment). Unfortunately I've been having problems with placing it in the world via the GECK.


First of all, I'm having extreme difficulty actually selecting the weapon once I place it in the world. If I unselect it, trying to click on it directly just makes me select the wall or object that's directly behind my new weapon. I have to rotate the view so there's nothing behind my weapon and select it via click-and-drag. Very inconvenient. Even then, I can't seem to move it around at all.


After being fed up with trying to move it around, I just left it hovering in mid-air, thinking gravity will knock it into place. But once I actually saved and loaded up the game, I went into Doc Mitchall's house and my weapon was indeed floating in mid-air in the middle of his living room. I can't touch it or pick it up, and everything I throw at it or shoot at it just passes right through it like a ghost.


Can anyone help me? I've been trying to make my own weapon for a long time, but I've been having difficultly because I can't find a single damn tutorial that's up to date or requires the software I have. After weeks of skating by on bits of multiple tutorials here and there, I've finally gotten this close and yet so very very far.


If it helps, I'm using 3DS Max 2010 with NIFSkope as well as the NIF plugin for Max.

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Okay, scratch that, I figured out how to add collision boxes to things in 3ds max. I have a new problem however: I go into the game, get out my custom-made melee weapon via the console, and it works just fine. It animates well, the textures are all right, all that good stuff. However, if I drop it, it just floats in mid-air and I can't move it, pick it up or interact with it in any way. I no longer pass through it like before, but it's just not being affected by gravity or anything else. My melee weapon is just stuck. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?

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However, if I drop it, it just floats in mid-air and I can't move it, pick it up or interact with it in any way. I no longer pass through it like before, but it's just not being affected by gravity or anything else. My melee weapon is just stuck. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?


Yeah it's a pain. Had the same thing happen with a protectron bobblehead I made. But essentially it has no Havok data in the model and you need to enable it.

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However, if I drop it, it just floats in mid-air and I can't move it, pick it up or interact with it in any way. I no longer pass through it like before, but it's just not being affected by gravity or anything else. My melee weapon is just stuck. What am I missing? What am I doing wrong?


Yeah it's a pain. Had the same thing happen with a protectron bobblehead I made. But essentially it has no Havok data in the model and you need to enable it.

That doesn't really help me because you're just repeating what my problem is rather than telling me how to solve it.


Anyway it doesn't matter anymore because I've already jumped over that particular hurdle- I realized that I had to input collision data into the bounding box in 3DS Max. But now I've got a new problem: when I drop my weapon, it falls down and I can take it and even pick it up, but once it hits the ground it starts to wildly twitch and jerk and spaz around, sometimes it even falls partially or all the way through the ground or through objects like roads and rocks.

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