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Companions attack when I'm transforming


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Hi all, has anyone come up with the fix for the Companions (Aela, Vilkas, Farkas) aggro-ing on player character when he/she tranforms into a werewolf?


I noticed that this bug has been brought up several times on the internet, but I can't find a real fix to it other than trying to go back to a save file when the Companions doesn't turn hostile.


In my case, I've been adventuring with all members of the Circle and from all three followers only Vilkas turns hostile on me everytime I'm transforming (This confirms that my problem is not related to Farkas&Vilkas being in guard faction). My hunch is that it still relates to NPC faction assignment and I might've hit Vilkas one too many times while I'm in a werewolf form


Any help will be appreciated!

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