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Paralysis effect causes serious bug


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I designed a paralysis effect that works on dragons. Simplicity itself, all I did was copy the Alchemy Paralisis effect, remove the Keyword ImmuneParalysis from Target Condition and viola! But there is a problem. No matter what time I set it for, it freezes the dragon forever. Of course it doesn't work in the air, but on the ground, they freeze for about 10 seconds perfectly, then the turn 90 degrees on their side and stay there. Quite overpowering I must say. Also, 50% of the time it bugs so that the hits don't even register.


here's a vid


Any thoughts?

Edited by palorius
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I'm not sure why it happens, but that's probably the reason that Bethesda added the condition in the first place. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that it could be caused by the possibility that Dragons (unlike most Actors) might not have a "GetUp" animation.

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