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Skeever missing textures


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Hey, I have a problem and dunno how I can fix this.

My Skeevers has missing textures.

Hey have some black lines, instead of some textures, like they whiskers or some hairs on they tail.


I uploadet my screenshots on imgur.




EDIT: Okay, I found the problem:

The Mod "Valenwood" are destroyed the Skeevers.

But still dunno how to fix that.


EDIT2: Okay, I could fix this mess.

Tried to install some texture Mods, like HD Skeevers, but it only solved the black Skeevers, the white on was still buggy...

But with the Mod Healthy Skeevery both versions are now fixed. The black and white one.


I reported this bug on nexusmods on Valenwood, hope it will be fixed.

Edited by ExodiaNecross
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