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Resisting Paralysis


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So when trying to add an effect to the combatants in my arena mod "Dwemer Colosseum" I noticed skyrim lacked a particular feature... as the title says, resisting paralysis... I went through all the effects and tried different terms on the filters and nothing came up but the spell effects. Nothing to do with resisting it.

The reason I wanted it is because my friend did a playthrough and easily went straight through the entire arena with the powershot perk... it was so OP that he either was knocking actors back or paralyzing them. So I wanted to just increase their resistance a little bit. As I said before, no such effect was found. So I thought I would share my work around. Note that it isn't perfect, and I present this code half hoping we could improve it in this thread. Feel free to use it as you'd like. No permissions needed, but is appreciated :smile:.

Scriptname DCParalysisResistController extends Actor  
{Controls the actors resistance to paralysis.}
Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
     random = Utility.RandomInt(0, 100)
     if ((akEffect.hasKeywordString("MagicParalysis"))&&(random<=percentChance))
          Utility.Wait(1) ; this makes it so that the actor falls before doing the "get up" animation
          self.DispelAllSpells() ; removes the paralyze effect since I can't dispel the magiceffect's owner spell with the keyword directly
          ;debug.notification("I am working - "+random+"<="+percentChance)
Int property random auto hidden
Int property percentChance = 50 auto
{Determines the odds that actor will be paralyzed.}
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So if I understood correctly, you want to make your NPCs immune to paralysis effects.


To do it, open the CK and simply edit the characters you want to be immune to it, go in the 'Keyword' section, click add and type 'immuneparalysis' than add it to their keyword list. Then your characters should now be immune to all paralyzing effect.


If you find a spell that can still paralyze your characters, then open its magic effect in the CK and add 'Haskeyword - Immuneparalysis - = 0' in the target conditions section.


Hope this gonna help you

Edited by Skyrimaccountnexus
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