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Effectshader won't play on an actor


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Beginner scripter here. I'm trying to make an effectshader play on an actor after or before moving that actor into the vicinity of the player. The issue is with effectshader effect02. The effectshader effect01 plays with no issues. For reference, akcaster is a wolf and attackerRefActor is a Khajiit. Does anyone see anything that would cause an issue with the effectshader effect02? Also, does anyone know of a good effect that would fit an actor warping or teleporting in? It doesn't have to be a specific effectshader, just an effect you remember seeing while playing Skyrim.

Scriptname ISDLongclawWOlfKillTriggerSCRIPT extends ActiveMagicEffect

Actor property attackerRefActor auto
EffectShader property effect01 auto
EffectShader property effect02 auto
Sound Property SFX02 Auto

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

	if (attackerRefActor.IsDead() == false && akCaster.IsDead() == true && akCaster.GetKiller() == Game.GetPlayer())
		effect01.Play(akCaster, 10.0)
		effect02.Play(attackerRefActor, 10.0)

Edited by ImsumDave
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think that two EffectShaders can play simultaneously. In terms of "a good effect that would fit an actor warping or teleporting in" try the purple sphere that appears when summoning daedra; I believe that it is a VisualEffect.

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I tried changing effect02 to a visualeffect and setting it's property value to ISDLongclawSummonFX, which links to the SummonTargetFX art object. Again, it didn't play. The visualeffect will play if applied as effect01 to the wolf. A visualeffect should be different than a effectshader, and therefore should get around any issue with playing two effectshaders at once. Good idea by the way, the effect looks like it should work well for my purposes.

I also tried stopping effect01 before playing effect02, but that was not successful: the effectshader/visualeffect still wouldn't play.

Thanks, for the help. Maybe there is something fiddly I have to change. I'll keep trying things.


EDIT: I added a wait after the actor is moved to the wolf. The visualeffect now plays, but not in the right order.

Edited by ImsumDave
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