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Problems to integrate an 1stpersonarmor_nif in to the Creation Kit


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Hello everyone,


I have a problem to integrate a 1stpersonarmor_nif in to the Creation Kit. It is a custom armor of mine. If I make a copy of the armor_nif, rename it to 1stpersonarmor_nif and paste it as such in to the CK, it triggers a game crash. The armor is completed as far and works properly in game, but not with the 1stpersonarmor_nif. I had a lot of work with these project because all meshes and textures are hand made and now I'm failing at this issue.
Does anyone know a solution?

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maybe you can help this tutorial
Although he is German but maybe it will help you
Although I've already managed to import the Irish armor but I do not know exactly how

I hope I could help you

Edited by ProRat99
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