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Far Cry

AI Detection Distance Mod?


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Is there a mod that tones this down, it's really ruining this game. (I looked around, but couldn't find anything.)


Here's the scenario, I'm indoors, in a dark cave, I'm on high cliff, atleast 40-50ft above the guy, and easily 100 yards away. (He was not only a tiny blip of red at that distance, but also visually obscurred by the cave itself.)


Yet, somehow, he is easily able to detect me, despite the fact that I'm not only a mile away, far out of his visual range, but, also sneaking(crouched), and hiding behind a crate... (WTF?)


This kind of thing happens fairly often, and when it does, it breaks the game, IMO.


Honestly, I could list a dozen other scenarios, and try justify my opinons, etc, but to be blunt, it bothers me, and I want a mod for it, so, to the point, does one exist?

Edited by Axeman
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  • 2 months later...

I agree, Far Cry 3 definitely needs this. This game has plenty of room for open world/stealth/dynamic gameplay but it sells it self short with AI that robotically locks onto your location. This breaks immersion and turns what could have been a dynamic game into just-another-shooter.


The AI from Metro Last Light handled this very well, instead of enemies instantly knowing your location from a single shot they actually had to look for you, I wish more developers would take note.

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A great idea for a mod!


I expect this response from the bad guys if I'm close in, and using a stock weapon, but when I using a Bushman, or an SVD - both silenced, and at long ranges - what really bugs me is the dead guy's buddy (who got a mess of blood and brains sprayed on him, thanks to your good shot) instantly running over, and getting behind a tree, pointing his popgun right at you!!!!


This is the definition of insanity!!! (Did I ever tell you.............)


There's no way this can happen. A quiet "thuff-thuff" is all my thingy did, and there's no way he heard where it came from.

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