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Hearthfire problem with NPCs


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So I build me a nice house in Falkreath, walked around to find a nice NPC to be steward there, took her there, asked her to be steward there, she happy, but then after being made steward and dismissed from my party, she walks back to her original home, not the house she's steward at now. So I loaded a save game from before she was made steward and tried again, same thing happens. I quit Skyrim and restart but same thing, even when I try another NPC they keep walking back to their original homes. Same happens with them orphans you can adopt, they always walk back to their original home or place, whatever.


I have unofficial Hearthfire patch installed. And I also happen to use a follower mod: AFT. And a bunch of other mods, but this is the first time I have this.. wierd problem.


Does anyone happen to have a clue on this thing? Would be awesome.


Thank you.

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