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I dont know what to do


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Whenever I play oblivion today, since I downloaded the DLC's of frostcrag and battelhorn, my screen starts freaking out, like diagonal lines going all over the place, and things like that. I also have the unofficial official mods patch, so I don't know what's going on, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you,



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Not much info to go on, but lines suddenly appearing in your video usually mean a problem with the video card, usually overheating. Make sure the fan (if any ) on your video card is working and the heat sink is not clogged with dust. While you are at it, it might be a good idea to blow out the entire computer and check all of the fans.


Power down and take a long walk outside or something. If it clears up for a while, then comes back after you have been running for a while, it's overheating.

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