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Wisdom of the Ancestors - Discussion

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So... here's my character sheet. Sooner than I thought too. :dance: Oh and great character sheets everyone. :dance:


Name: Lelija


Race: Bosmer


Gender: Female


Age: 21


Appearance: Light skin, black eyes, small and petite. The most eye catching feature is her dark red hair. (link to a screenshot of her)


Skills: Lelija is a skilled thief: stealthy, skilled in lockpicking, pickpocketing and staying invisible when she wishes. She can fight with a shortsword but she is not a very skilled fighting. Instead of fighting Lelija prefers to wiggle out of combat by using words.


Equipment: Simple light leather armor. She also always wears a golden pendant, a gift of her late mother.


Homeland: Cyrodiil


Personality: Always optimistic and cheerful, Lelija is friendly and appears harmless and innocent but when needed she can be quite tough and serious.


Background: Lelija's parents were originally from Summerset Isle but they moved to Cyrodiil long before she was born. Lelija grew up in the beautiful town, Cheydinhal and had a pretty carefree and happy childhood. Both of her parents were members of the Thieves Guild and taught their daughters everything they knew as well as certain other things like, to never steal from the poor.

Lelija's mother died in a dangerous mission when she was fifteen years old, her father while heartbroken did his best to raising his daughter on his own and continuing to work for the guild until eventually leaving the guild two years later. A year later Lelija joined the guild and eventually rose to the ranks of Master Thief.

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Great sheet mythic! ;D Though, your shining metal armor should probably be made of silver and ebony, rather than adamantine (no such thing in Elder Scrolls). :happy:


Auri, excellent peoples! A mage, warrior, and rogue very nice. :biggrin:


Nice thief Nightshade! ;D She'll definitely help out with all the stealthy stuffs.

Edited by nethgros
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Dammit Auri, you posted your chars as I'm working on mine XD They're awesome though, don't worry.


Here be my Nord Battlemage. You may recognize him from an old TES RP but I was never given the chance to use him much.

As usual if I post it and it's unfinished it's because I had to get off early.


Name: Rilgumskar


Race: Nord


Gender: Male


Age: 24


Appearance: As far as Nords go Rilgumskar is somewhat short and thin, but is quite fit, and muscles are subtly visible on his arms, legs and chest. He is fair-skinned, and his nose and cheeks have turned scarlet from sunburn. His nose has two thin scars running horizontally across it (some Draugr decided to bonk him on the nose with a sword handle.) another small scar on his lower left lip, and his left ear is scarred and mottled from frostbite (or will be after his introduction), though still functional. His neck-length, light-brown hair is left unbraided and quite often unkempt, and his eyes are a bright icy blue, full of life. Stubble grows along his cheeks and around his mouth, coloured a slightly lighter brown than his hair.


Skills: Light Armor, One-handed, Block, Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Blacksmithing.


Rilgumskar is an adventurer, so he knows how to repair his equipment when it becomes damaged and knows the value of travelling light. He's picked up a few tricks about efficient packing and wearing light armors. He was taught from a young age how to use an axe and has in his few years of experience become quite adept with it. It was a similar idea with his magical abilities, as his mother was a battlemage, which cultivated his interest in the use of the arcane, leading his mother to teach him all of what she knew over a period of almost a decade. It was from a dear friend of his named Thelda who taught him about creating and maintaining all of his equipment, as well as how to make clothing. One notable magical ability of his is the ability to use magic to allow him to hold twenty extra pounds of gear (Bringing the total to around 80-90, trying to be realistic. A regular human can carry up to 60-70, a Nord would realistically be able to carry 70-80, then add twenty pounds to that value.) and an alteration spell letting him breathe underwater, used in desperate situations.


Equipment: His primary weapon is a wicked-sharp, fire-enchanted Ebony war axe which he hasn't yet named, and a silver dagger for a backup weapon. He has a unique set of clothing, consisting of a triple-layered tunic and pants made of progressively heavier furs and leather, all designed to adapt to Skyrim's weather conditions. His tunic has two rows of black buttons to do it up and a string sealing it shut, while underneath each layer is a similar idea but with lighter materials. Overtop all of it is a thin but durable layer of steel chainmail supplemented with spots of plating, providing decent protection, though nothing spectacular, mostly there to step a well-placed slash from rendering his clothing useless in a cold-weather climate. Covering his hands are fur gloves, and he wears durable leather boots. If needed he has a black hooded cloak that he can wrap around himself, and he uses a backpack to store his gear.


Homeland: Skyrim, specifically Windhelm, though he was raised outside of Stormcloak territory in Whiterun.


Personality: Rilgumskar is normally cheerful, talkative, and a real team-player with leadership qualities, and he has learned in his travels to appreciate the scenery, if only because he has to alleviate the boredom of walking somehow. He's impatient sometimes, but very difficult to anger and quick to calm down, and possesses a hell of an empathetic streak. Despite these traits he is quite self-sufficient and rarely needs worrying about.


Background: Rilgumskar was born in Whiterun a few years before the Civil War and was brought up as an ordinary child, learning from his pa how to use an axe and go hunting, until his mother discovered his aptitude for magic and began training him, before the Civil War started and both of his parents were rushed off to service, leaving Rilgumskar in the care of his older brother. The two got along well enough, but Rilgumskar learned during this time to be self-sufficient, often rushing off to explore this section of town or that, sometimes earning his own gold to buy treats.


After the war finished and his parents returned alive and well (against all odds) Rilgumskar's magical training under his mother was finished, with her imparting onto him every bit of arcane knowledge she possessed, and his father had him brush up on his skills with an axe. When he was only sixteen, he moved out of the house to find his own way in the world, which he quickly discovered was adventuring. Along the way he met a Nord girl slightly older than him named Thelda, whom he shared many adventures with, and from whom he learned how to tailor clothing and create armor. They grew closer over the years, becoming inseparable, and eventually sparks began flying between the two of them. Things were going well.

And then an adventure up North went horribly wrong...

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There's actually adamantium. Same concept, slightly different terminology. :P


And thanks! :biggrin:


EDIT: Looks like I'm going to have to create the actual thread, now. :smile:


EDIT 2: Looking good, flip.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Name: Felix


Race: Imperial


Gender: Male


Age: 22


Appearance: Muscular but thin with jet black hair. Wears a short grey cape and hood, under his hood he wears a blindfold to hide his glossy white eyes. Emblazoned on the chest of his armor is the symbol of his family's house that he wears in honor of his mother.


Skills: Sneaking, Acrobatics, Combat Staff.


Equipment: Carries a small metal rod that can shift from a baton to a bo staff at the press of a button. Throwing stars and bolas. He also wears a set of cured leather hide that gives him some good measure of protection.


Homeland: Cyrodiil


Personality: Young and brash, he has a reputation for being cocky but it is well earned. He despises Thalmor above all others and seeks to end them.


Background: Felix was born into the merchant class of the Imperial City. His father being a prominent seller of wine, dyes and numerous other items. Felix was the second son, his brother Marcus inherited his fathers skill for trade and Felix inherited his mothers talent for trouble. He would often sneak out of his room late at night to wander the city and slip back in just before sunrise to avoid suspicion. This went on for some years and as it continued he got braver, he met up with a girl whom he had been seeing and fallen in love with, on her request he joined the Thieves Guild as a Footpad. When he father eventually found out he was disowned and kicked from the family. Felix left his last name behind and continued on. He worked within the ranks of the Thieves Guild for many years but after he and their leader fell out he left their ranks to go freelance. With the war in full swing his talents for infiltration and information gathering have become invaluable to those that are willing to pay, but Felix serves another master. One hidden in darkness.


He sought out the temple of Nocturnal to pray for greater skill in the thieving arts. Nocturnal heard his prayers and took his eyesight as recompense for her favor. Now unable to see he was however gifted with an acute sense of touch and hearing that gave him a echo location sense of sight. Felix took this blessing as a mixed sign originally but in time he learned to accept it and often found he saw better without seeing.

Edited by Macman253
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Yay for more RP's. Also, what was the outcome of the civil war? I don't think I saw that anywhere...



Name: Ra'Qassar

Race: Khajiit

Gender: Male

Age: 38

Appearance: Ra'Qassar resembles a snow leopard in many respects, he has soft white/grey fur with numerous spots that stands out a few inches from his body and his tail is extremely heavily furred. About his face he has numerous dark markings in his coloration giving him almost a tiger aspect. Also on his face are long wisps of hair about his jaw. He has no 'hair' per-se rather, just his natural coat. He stands at around six feet tall and is quite lean. About his body are a few different scars resembling claws and such, mostly sabre cats and bears from his earlier days. Beneath his armor and clothing, just above his heart, lies a jagged star-like scar from an arrow that narrowly missed killing him. The shaft missed his heart, sparing his life but the amount of scar tissue makes his upper body movements difficult at times.

Skills: Archery, Tracking, Stealth/agility, light armor, fletching, alchemy-specifically poisons, (Bladework), (Blocking) (denotes skill with less proficiency), I know this seems extensive but a lot of it goes together so much that it's quite plausible and a lot of this is support skills.

Equipment: Ra'Qassar wears a heavily modified set of leather armor. The armor has been painted, died and adorned with furs to more closely resemble Ra'Qassar's coat. Being a more 'arctic' bread of khajiit, his armor is not very heavily insulated and the furs that are incorporated into it serve primarily for camouflage and noise muffling. The armor also has a few plates between the layers of leather, it still provides as much mobility as a standard set of leather armor though on account of the reduced amount of fur and other insulative components. Ra'Qassar also wears a padded an reinforced hood that matches a fur wrap around his shoulders and over his back. He bears a shield that he spent many days laboring over, it was originally a gift from the jarl of Whiterun, a shield bearing the city's crest, but Ra'Qassar made it his own. The edge of the shield was trimmed with mammoth ivory that Ra'Qassar harvested, the board reinforced with dwarven metals and the straps refitted with local leather. For his weapons, Ra'Qassar favors a bow made of yew that lies somewhere between the traditional standards for a shortbow and a longbow, erring more on the length of a longbow. He fletches arrows of the best hardwoods he can find and crafts varying heads from broadheads to mechanized monstrosities, most commonly out of dwarven metals that he recovers from numerous dwarven ruins. His sword is a longsword given to him by jarl Baalgruuf the Greater and consists of an interesting blend of corundum and steel resulting in an incredibly durable and bronze-looking blade. The hilt is silver with a golden topaz set in the pomel to further represent the yellow and white colors of Whiterun. Upon, request, the blade was left un-enchanted.

Homeland: Ra'Qassar does not know exactly where he was born, his parents were part of a caravan, and were killed in an ambush in Skyrim when Ra'Qassar was very young. He has taken Skyrim for his home now, regardless of his birth and for as long as he has had a permanent residence, he has dwelled in Whiterun, although he travels throughout many of the holds.

Personality: Ra'Qassar is a very philosophical person, he cares deeply about the world around him and practices this faithfully in his work. As a hunter, he never wastes any part of the animal and if he fells a tree, he uses every bit of timber and leaves for something or another, as well as replacing the tree with a new sapling. He treats nature with a reverence that is reflected in his style of combat, stalking his prey like many of the big cats and taking lessons from other animals. He has gradually become less of a loner but he is severely distrustful of the Imperial Legion and its sympathizers.

Background: [This depends slightly on how the war went] Ra'Qassar was a hunter and guide in Whiterun hold when the Civil War was coming to a head. Jarl Balgruuf saw him as a powerful ally and named him a thane of Whiterun and asked that should the need arise, Ra'Qassar would help defend the city. The need did indeed arise when the Stormcloaks attacked. Ra'Qassar fought viciously and valiantly, slaying numerous Stormcloaks, but it was not enough. Ulfric's men overwhelmed the other guards and took the city. When the gates fell Ra'Qassar took to the keep to try and escort the jarl out of the city to safety, but Balgruuf refused. Instead, the Jarl told Ra'Qassar to avenge the city by joining the legion and helping to defeat the Stormcloaks. Ra'Qassar did so, vowing vengeance for his hold. Over the next year or so, Ra'Qassar conducted numerous ambushes and raids on Stormcloak camps and supply lines, usually alone. The Khajiit wreaked havoc for quite sometime and provided valuable intelligence to the Empire. But one day it all changed. Ra'Qassar returned early from a raid to deliver his report in Solitude, and noticed a destroyed and disheveled caravan camp near the city gates. Ra'Qassar's stomach churned when he found a dead body, beaten and bloodied, jaw broken and tail shooting off at awful angles. He hastened to castle dour to make his report and didn't find Tullius in his office. He then went to the dungeons and found his eyes clouded with rage. The caravan wasn't some bandit ambush, the legion attacked them and was torturing the survivors even now. One had already been killed in the torture chambers and Tullius was there giving orders and demanding answers. Ra'Qassar flew into a rage and killed the torturers and their assistants. Tullius escaped before Ra'Qassar could kill him to. Ra'Qassar freed the khajiit but it was too late, they had all succumbed during the fight or shortly after their freedom. Ra'Qassar spent the remainder of the war alone, ambushing and killing any Imperial soldiers he could find. Since the conclusion of the war, Ra'Qassar has returned to Whiterun and returned to his usual occupation of hunting, trapping and guiding. He has mellowed out a great deal but still distrusts anyone connected with the legion and it is rare to be able to find him if he is not in one of the towns.

Let me know if I need to change anything. The only part that's really important to his background is the outcome of the battle of Whiterun, although that doesn't need to really control the outcome of the whole war since it is completely possible and probable that the city could have been lost and retaken multiple times based on the ebb and flow of the war.

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