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Wisdom of the Ancestors - Discussion

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Sorry to hear about your mom Chrys, I think I speak for all of us when I say that I hope she gets well soon. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way bud. I look forward to having you back, but don't rush it, family comes first.

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I believe I'll be making my return to Skyrim


Name: Grimskar the Bear


Race: Nord (Skaal)

Gender: Male

Age: 48

Appearance: A large old man standing 6'5 with the muscles of a young man. Grimskar has been through a lot, though his body is in top condition and devoid of scarring due to his regenerative nature as a lycanthrope. He has short, shaggy white hair and a long white beard, which added to his haggard face he has the look of a wizened veteran warrior, and he is. His right eye is blue and his left is dead, leaving the eye pale and whitened over. As a werebear his eyes are the same, and his fur is white.

Skills: Two-handed blunt, heavy armor, light armor, destruction (frost), armorer, athletics.

Equipment: Nordic Armor, without helmet >http://images.wikia....rmor_-_Both.png

Stalhrim Greatsword with frost enchant >http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130304001436/elderscrolls/images/3/30/StalhrimGS.png

Homeland: Skaal Village, Solstheim

Personality: Grimskar has a cold, serious demeanor. He rarely laughs, and war is never ever something to laugh at for him. He is known to actually beat men to a pulp for their ignorance in he horrors of war. He believes in the All-Maker, along with his fellow skaal, and believes that each severance of life needs justification, even though that life is bound to return in another form. He doesn't share in the 'traditional' nord belief in finding honor and glory on the battlefield; instead he believes that honor and glory are to be had when you protect the things you care about and those that can't protect themselves.

Background: Born in the Skaal Village, Grimskar was set to live his life with his people, always living each day for the All-Maker. However in a bold decision during his teenage years he committed a great taboo and created a warhammer out of sacred Stalhrim. This led to his exile, which saddened him greatly, and he walked into the cold north intent on death. In the north he found a Werebear, which are highly revered and feared by the Skaal, but Grimskar felt nothing for this creature, just as it felt nothing for him. After emerging victorious with his bloodied hammer he found an invigoration had taken him on a new path in life, and left Solstheim for a life of adventure. However his nature soon became apparent, and he could no longer hide from himself that he had gotten more that day then just a new outlook on life; he was now one himself. This still meant little to him and he continued on, making a name for himself and finding excitement wherever he could. By his 30th year he was married, and living a happy sedentary life. However, the civil war called to him, and he knew that if neither side won there would end up being more death than if one did sooner, and with that he joined the Stormcloaks to rid Skyrim not of the Empire but of the Thalmor who controlled them like puppets. For eight years he fought for Skyrim, and in the end they fell to the empire. As a fugitive, he tried his best to return to his wife, but was thwarted at every attempt. When he finally did return home, some time after the breaking of the White-Gold Concordat, he found his village burning to the ground at the hands of the Thalmor. With nothing left he left to Whiterun and became a Companion so that he might help those in need with his great power.


Name: Udilin Andrethi


Race: Dunmer

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Appearance: Near black skin, blood red eyes, and smooth black hair kept at a short length. He has an athletic build and a tattoo of House Telvanni's symbol on his back

Skills: Blade, Light Armor, Illusion, Enchanting, Conjuration, Alteration, Speech


Chitin Armor>http://images.wikia....rmor_-_Both.png

Ebony Longsword with shock enchant on his back>http://static1.nexusmods.com/110/mods/110/images/26261-1-1354368669.jpg

A heartstone necklace with a resist magic enchant he uses to bind ashspawn to himself

Homeland: Raven Rock, Solstheim

Personality: Ulidin is a staunch follower of the Reclaimation Boethiah and takes great pride in killing in her name. He has a great deal of pride in himself that dances on the border of arrogance, as he believes his heritage and power places him above the common mortal. He is also quite eccentric and finds little point in using formalities, preferring to get straight to business. In accordance with his patron, he has no qualms in using deception to accomplish his methods, and finds no fear in death. He is an adventurous soul who prefers to move around accomplishing things rather than staying in one place. From his time in a nordic mead hall he has also picked up a love for honor and glory, wishing for his name to be known by as many as possible.

Background: Growing up on Solstheim, he was always a rather independent and adventurous child, making his way around Solstheim on various adventures. From an early age he frequented Tel Mithryn, where he was taught magic by the renowned master wizard Neloth. Beginning in his teens he also began to frequent Thirsk Mead Hall where he picked up some nordic traditions while also honing his combat skills, excelling in the use of one sword. Still not exactly very old by Dunmer standards, Udilin is an avid adventurer and even an occasional murderer when need be.


Name: Vigilant Lubren gro-Dushnikh


Race: Orc

Gender: Male

Age: 33

Appearance: Lubren has dark olive green skin and a menacing face that contrasts greatly with his kind nature. He keeps his black hair shaved on top of his head as well as on his chin. His yellow eyes are the only indicators of his true self, as the only instance in which they show any hostility is when Lubren is faced with unnatural creatures. His brow has several spikes that poke out through his black eyebrows, adding to his intimidation factor. His tusks jut straight up, with a perfect 90 degree vertical angle. He has no tattoos/markings.

Skills: Heavy Armor, Block, Blade, Restoration, Athletics, Speech, Smithing

Equipment: Silver Sword>http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121013153103/elderscrolls/images/e/e8/SilverSword.png

Adept Robes of Restoration>http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Adept_Robes

Steel Plate Gauntlets + Boots + Helmet> http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Steel_Plate_Armor

Amulet of Stendarr

Dragonplate Shield>http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121015160623/elderscrolls/images/7/79/DragonplateShield.png

Homeland: Dushnikh Yal

Personality: Kind, Just, Merciful, Valorous, Stoic, Unflinching.

Background: Lubren was barred from returning to his home shortly after leaving, when word go back that he had abandoned worship of Malacath to follow in the footsteps of Stendarr and join the Vigilants. He has always wanted to show people that orcs can be good people too, feeling that the Vigilants would offer him the best opportunity to do so.


Edited by nethgros
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