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Is there a resource I could use to figure out what animations to insta


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I'm trying to put in the best bow animations, so I have the running with your bow replacer and I'm going to use some from elegant animations.


The process seems simple enough - I'll install the 3 animations from the first mod and then download elegant animations manually, delete the animations I don't want, and then upload it to NMM and install it.


The thing is, I need to know what the animation's name corresponds to in game. There are things that say "bowdrawlight" and "bowdrawheavy", for example. Is that drawing the string, or when your character actually pulls out the bow? There's also a "sneakmtidle" and in a male and a female folder, a "malemtidle" and "femalemtidle". I have no idea what the MT could refer to. I don't want to put in an idle animation that stands out in a weird way from the way my character normally stands.

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