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Possible to activate a talking activator through an item in Pip-boy?

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For the mod I've been working on the past month, I'm trying to create an ingestible item that replenishes itself like the Bedroll from Lonesome Road and, when used in the Pipboy, activates an invisible talking activator I have placed in a dummy cell to initiate dialog with an actor from the over the background of the player holding their Pipboy. There is a scripted effect on the "ingestible communicator" that is supposed to activate the talking activator by the player:

scn PSElijahPipboyMenuSCRIPT

;Script created for "ingestible" radio "PSAlchElijahPipboy" to  instantly give them back their "radio" when they use it.

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if Player.IsSpellTarget PSAlchElijahPipboy
    Player.AddItem PSAlchElijahPipboy 1 1    ;puts the radio back into the player's inventory with no notification

    PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.MoveTo Player
    PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.Activate Player 1        ;1 = RunOnActivateBlockFlag, so the OnActivate block of the object will be run instead of the default activation.



The talking activator itself has this script on it currently:

scn PStaElijahPipboyContactSCRIPT

Begin OnActivate

If IsActionRef player == 1 && PSPostDMElijahActiveREF.GetDead == 0
    SetTalkingActivatorActor PSPostDMElijahActiveREF
    PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.Activate Player
    ShowMessage    GenericIntercomNoResponseMsg


I can get it to move the Talking Activator to the player's feet (in the form of the NCR emergency radio model) and then activate it manually to play my greeting topic. But I can't get it to automatically activate when using the "ingestible" and I can't get it to play from the PipBoy even using the MenuMode 1009 block and I wasn't even sure whether that was possible so I figured I would ask. When I try it just says the "object is already in use by someone else".

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