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Wisdom of the Ancestors - An Elder Scrolls RP


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Adrynn thought upon the Khajiit's question as he helped drag the last of the Thalmor bodies to the pile. With his leg as it was, he wasnt able to outright carry them, so he did the best he could to help. At last, he limped over to stand beside Ra'Qassar.


"The name you mention is familiar to me, yet I cannot place where or when I have met such a man," Adrynn said, a bit annoyed he could not properly answer the Khajiit's question. "But I am not surprised you have heard of me, sera. I have lived a long time, and accomplished much in those years. I only wonder which of my deeds has reached your ears," Adrynn said with a small smile. "Hopefully it is one of the good ones."

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Faeryn moved to stand beside Adrynn, "Aye...I think there are many things we both regret in our lives. Let us hope those remain in the past."


Sandhya hovered nearby, drumming her claws against a tree trunk and listening to the Dunmer talk. It was how the khajiit spent much of her time - listening to others. It was what had kept her alive. As much as she loved to talk, listening was far more important.

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Sienna sighed as the pile of bodies was finished before her eyes, walking to deliver last rites with a swirling nimbus of white magic in her hands. "May your souls pass to the next world without delay, and your ill redeemed through deeds in the next life." She cast the spell over the bodies and they lit up in white flame, slowly crumbling to a fine white ash that was scattered by the wind.


"It is done." She sighed in exhaustion as Wrath's blessing wore off and the drain of fatigue took hold. When the woodsman offered his assistance Sienna shrugged. "I can't see a reason why not."

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Jo'Branzel ducked under the swinging elven blade, his flaming fist slamming into the Thalmors face, melting the helm surrounding, fusing it to the Elves face. Drawing his sword he parried the blow of another Thalmor agent and drove his blade into the stomach of the damn Elven scum. Throwing up a ward, he shielded himself from the ball of flames the Elven mage threw. Dropping the ward he charged at the Elven Mage, his blade already flashing through the air. As he closed in on the Mage, the swing severed the head of the elven mage, blood spurting from the stump that was once his head.


Pain flashed through him as an arrow of Elvish make dug into his side. An archer charged at him, throwing away the greatsword, Jo'Branzel shot a continuous stream of flames at the archer. Writhing in agony as the flames consumed him, the screams of the Archer echoed through the forest. Shutting off the spell, he dug the arrow out, gasping in pain as he saw it was covered with barbs. Eyes blurred with the unshed tears of pain he placed a restorative spell on the wound, knitting back together the flesh and sinew that had been torn by the arrow.


Picking up the greatsword he sheathed it, and ran off into the forest as the scout party of Thalmor returned. Running on all four paws he heard the echoing cries of the Elves as they discovered their dead comrades. Emerging into a clearing he cursed, as he saw another Thalmor camp. Charging at him, Jo'Branzel threw a ball of flames which exploded on impact. Darting to the left as the Thalmor flew back, flames melting the skin from their bone and charring their corpses, dead before they hit the ground. His fur felt the heat as the Thalmor scout party emerged into the clearing. Throwing another ball of flames, several of the Mages managed to throw up a ward before the ball of flames exploded.


Unsheathing his greatsword he charged at the remaining Mages and quickly dispatched the first by a thrust to the stomach, Jo'Branzel quickly swung around, ripping out the insides of the next, innards falling out the Thalmor collapsed. The final mage was more wary, casting a spell to negate physical damage, then unsheathed a mace before charging. Blocking the blow of the Mage, Jo'Branzel fainted left before hitting the Thalmor with his claws, tearing the Elves eyes out.

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"Azura grant me a fragment of hope in these dark times, I pray to thee. I must help my people, I must save them from their plight long enough for Morrowind to find new life... Mistress of Prophesy, tell me, what is my future to hold? Am I to die without accomplishing anything? Am I to fall in battle? Is old age going to claim me in the middle of the night? I need direction, how may I assist my people? I have rid this land of many evils in a hope to create a better place, yet the more I destroy the more are formed... is this to be the fate of the Dunmer? Forever pushed back by tragedy after another? We have suffered, Azura, by your doing all those years ago, by the lies of the Tribunal, by the destruction of our home, and now by the cold shoulder of our migrated land... I will not grovel, I will ask you humbly; Give me something, anything, for it is you who know the future, not I." Iodiria was knelt before the great shrine of Azura, her head gazing into the lifeless stone eyes above her, a firm look taking hold of her face as minutes passed with no reply, and soon, those minutes turned to hours.


With a heavy sigh of dissatisfaction, the old warrior turned from the shrine shaking her head, taking each of the steps carefully and slowly, her movements heavy as she felt the need to drop to her knees in defeat... If the creator of the Dunmer would not answer her prayers, then who would? She had lamented her woe far too many times, prayed far too many times to be ignored now, but still she would not grovel, she would not bend over backwards of put her face to the ground for a Daedra. Yes the Tribunal were liars, but they were not demons, they were not Daedra.


But the silence was broken.


"Your prayers are answered, Mournful one. You must seek Adrynn, your companion of old, for he needs you as much as you need him, Skyrim is his home now, and he suffers the same as you do. Go now Iodiria, and find him."


Iodiria froze on the spot and turned to the statue, thankful her prayer was finally answered. So Azura was merely playing games again was she? How predictable, and how very petty. Iodiria had always despised that aspect of the Mistress of Twilight, she was quick to utter curses and damn those she deemed fit simply because they had displeased her in some petty way, take for example, the cursing of the Chimer into that of the Dunmer... the actions of a few damned an entire race. And the games, the constant games, for a Daedra inherently considered 'Good' when compared to the likes of Molag Bal, she was no better, her methods simply more subtle.


Adrynn... that was a name she had not heard in many, many, many years... It had been so long in fact she barely registered his face, it was but a blur in her mind after the two hundred or so years she had seen him, it brought to mind a painful twinge of truth in the matter. Iodiria was old, in those times she was a glowing beacon of hope for her people, now she was not even a fragment of what she once was. She wondered what had become of the old Redoran councillor in the time she had been without contact? He was in fine form as they routed the Mythic Dawn under Mournhold, but time had a way of stripping one of their qualities.


Still, the Daedra had given her guidance, and with a nod of appreciation, Iodiria increased her pace down the steps, and set off down the mountain on her quest.

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As Adrynn waited for Ra'Qassar answer his question, he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. He shook his head and tried to will it away. Now was not the time. But it stayed, and Adrynn covered his face with his gauntleted hand as the world around him began to spin. He took a small step back to widen his stance in case he felt as if he would fall.


Then, just as it came, the dizziness passed. He shook his head and glanced up. He could feel Faeryn's silent worry, but smiled at his old friend. It was nothing he couldn't handle.


Suddenly, a pain so great shot from Adrynn's brand up his arm and through his body, he was on his knees before he realized it, clawing to remove his gauntlet. Finally, the offending piece of armor hit the ground before him, and he could see the cause of his pain. The dark crescent moon and six pointed star seared into the flesh of his left palm by Azura long before was throbbing and burning so much, Adrynn was trembling. He gripped his left wrist with his right hand to stop his arm from shaking so violently. It was excruciating.


As he felt the others gather around him in concern, his eyes blurred and his vision disappeared. Instead of seeing his hand and the ground before him, he saw a tall magnificent statue on top of a mountain holding aloft a Moon and Star. Azura! He felt her approval at his recognition, and then the pain disappeared and was replaced with a mild comfort. The scent of a thousand roses filled his nose as the vision shifted, showing him three places. The first was a sprawling complex of ancient stone ruins in between two mountains. The second was a lone temple atop a mountain, surrounded by a raging river. The last was a city rising above the sea on a great stone arch, it's tall towers stalwart against the cold sea winds. Finally, three faces were shown to him. The first he recognized instantly as his cousin Velanya, the second, a hauntingly beautiful face of pale gold skin filled with sad red eyes speckled with gold. The last was a grim Dunmer'a face, his eyes sunken into his head and gone, and a sinister smile was on his lips.


At last, the vision faded. Adrynn gasped, as if he had been struck with cold water. He was soaked in sweat. He leaned back on his haunches, his body still trembling with the force of the vision. He glanced up to find Faeryn directly before him, a grim expression on his face.


"It... It was Azura. She showed me a vision," he said, angered to find his voice shaky.

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Felix stood after the dunmer introduced themselves and smiled, he kept a fair distance from them but always within earshot. His interest was mostly in the Ordinator he wanted to know if he was here to find the thief or for other purposes. After a few minutes he approached the Nord fellow with the hound and offered him his hand, Svarn took the strangers hand and shook it.


'Hail my Nord friend... thank you for your aid.' He said as the Nord unstrung his bow and removed a sharpening stone to sharpen his axe.


Svarn looked to the imperial with a keen eye, he noticed the man had a blindfold over his eyes and expected him to be blind but he had seen the man fight like a daedra so he must be faking his blindness. Fenrir walked up to the stranger and nuzzled his hand for a petting which he gave and the half-wolf enjoyed the little bit of affection.


'No problem....' Svarn replied and spit on the stone to lubricate it and began sharpening the large battle-axe.


Felix smiled and sat next to him, 'I am Felix... what's your name?' He asked. Svarn looked to the blind Imperial and chuckled. 'Svarn... he's Fenrir.' Svarn lifted the heavy battle-axe fairly effortlessly and noted the fine etching and detail work in the head of the axe, at one time this was a favored weapon but it was cut down and repurposed into a tool aswell as a weapon by it's previous owner.

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Ra'Qassar contemplated Adrynn's question, he began to answer, "I do not recall exactly, I believe my friend Rorik Wind-Bane was telling me of you somehow. Your name merely seemed-" Suddenly the dark elf was gripped in his fit of pain from his vision. The brand was all Ra'Qassar needed and he remembered the story completely. Adrynn Indarys wasn't just some warrior Rorik had met, he wasn't even sure Rorik had met him. But Ra'Qassar had learned about Kriak the Huntsman and his adventures through Rorik. Adrynn and his cousin were marked as the two champions of Azura and had helped destroy the Mythic Dawn around the time of the Oblivion crisis. Ra'Qassar didn't remember exact details, but he did know that he was in the presence of two very great warriors who had done many great deeds.


Once Adrynn had recovered, Ra'Qassar spoke, "What did you see? Your brand and your vision have reminded me of where I have heard of you. Rorik Wind-Bane spoke of you and a group of many other fine warriors and your deeds around the time of the Oblivion crisis. Rorik met a strange man from another realm known as Kriak. Kriak spoke of you in very high regard apparently, Rorik told me some of how you and many others were branded by Daedric princes to act as their agents against Mehrunes Dagon and assist the Blades in defeating the Mythic Dawn. I don't remember the details, but you must be very capable and I am honored to have met even one of your group, and now I count myself doubly fortunate to meet both yourself and Faeryn."

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Faeryn looked down at Adrynn, his mouth pressed into a thin line. He addressed Ra'Qassar without turning his head towards the khajiit, "Yes. This Rorik spoke truly. And Adrynn's brand and vision are tied to those dark times. Now, what has Azura shown you?" He placed a hand on the Redoran's shoulder. The Ordinator's tone was not particularly reverent, even though the Reclamation Temple worshiped Azura, along with Boethiah and Mephala.


Sandhya still said not a word, but edged a little closer to the Dunmer, her tail twitching out of curiosity.

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Adrynn sat back, resting his hands against his armored thighs. Kriak... He had not heard that name in a long, long time. And it had been just as long since be had seen the mysterious huntsman. He felt grateful that the Sarosian had spoken so highly of him, but then he remembered the many battles they had fought through and smiled grimly.


"Azura showed me three locations, a ruined complex of ancient Nordic buildings in a pass between two mountains, a temple set on a mountain surrounded by a river, and a city on a great stone arch, overlooking the sea. She followed this with a vision of three people. The first, Velanya, my cousin, the second,".... Suddenly the mournful face and gold fleck red eyes registered for the Redoran. "The second was Indoril Iodiria, and the last... I cannot recall whom the last is. An evil looking Dunmer with missing eyes..."


That was unecessary, Azura. Why such pain over so small a vision? Adrynn shot at his patron, who he felt was watching the proceedings with an amused detachment.


Be still, my child. You have long been defiant and unmanageable. This was simply my way of getting your attention so you would know the gravity of your situation...


Adrynn mentally snorted. You've always had an interesting way in showing how you care. Why not send a Winged Twilight with a message for me instead of such... unpleasant measures?"


Azura didn't respond, but Adrynn could feel her silent amusement. He gritted his teeth to hold back his anger as he stood up, sliding his gauntlet back on.

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