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Wisdom of the Ancestors - An Elder Scrolls RP


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During all this, Sandhya remained in the shadows, poised with her daggers. She watched the new strange man closely, as well as the Thalmor leader and the eyeless Dunmer. All three were very powerful and not worth fighting...if a battle did break out, the khajiit would conveniently disappear - there was no way she would survive. After all, Sandhya looked out for Sandhya's best interests.




If things didn't continue to turn out in her favor, she would just abandon the notion of journeying with these people. Up until now, nothing lucrative or remotely helpful had come of their quest here...just the glory of killing the undead dragon and the deaths of the Thalmor minions. The Aldmeri leader was still very much alive, and Sandhya was certain that until his head was presented to Jarl Balgruuf, they would never see any gold in their pockets. Which was, of course, the khajiit's main reason for tagging along.


That and seeing some Thalmor blood spilled.

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Kriak was glad that Adrynn had known what to do with the phylactery. Well, he has passed the first test. He was also pleasantly surprised that Azura had had a hand in all of this, else she would never have consented to her champion pushing the phylactery into her brand, especially not Llervu's phylactery.


"You already know the answer to that Adrynn. It is a feeble hope you cling to. Perhaps one day we will travel together again, but this is not that day, nor is that day soon in coming. I must find the second artifact and return to my realm." He said it with a heavy heart, he wished he could help them, but they could not grasp the enormity of his own tasks, nor did he belong meddling in their realm's affairs.




Baltis spoke, "How did you find it? Tel Olmes is-"


"At the bottom of the inland sea, in a tangled mess along with the rest of the rubble of Vvardenfell. I went there after the Red Year and the Invasion. You will be pleased to know that your tower still grows, even beneath the sea."


"How could you know where to go though? None of you knew where my home was."


"I did not need to find your home, I needed to find your soul. And that has always been easier for me." A slight smile played upon the huntsman's lips as he spoke. "Now I must leave you. You have many miles to go before the Karthspire, and I have taken enough of everyone's time."


"Kriak. Wait. Is he?" Baltis gestured towards Ra'Qassar with his head.



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Sorinyarie: The Labyrinthian



Sorinyarie eyed both Baltis and the Thalmor Leader carefully. She also gave a nod to Kriak, whom she wasn't sure had recognized her yet. The battlemage recognized him, though. It was hard to forget his complexion that was unique in Tamriel.


"Huntsman..." Sorin said, keeping her sword readied.



Suetin Marczon: The Imperial City Mausoleum



"My name is Suetin Marczon, descendant of Lecuaro Sulnair Marczon." Suetin answered simply as he placed the letter in the woman's hand.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit: To the Karthspire



"Now, we build a fire. Luckily, I've got a starting stone, and I've managed to keep it dry." Serra said as she stood and headed for the pile of firewood. "Let's set it up there in front of the shelter."

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Svarn and Felix followed, Felix's arm bled profusely and his skin was going pale. Svarn held him over his arm and called out to his companions. "He needs healing... I will take him back to the surface, tend to him there." He said as he pulled Felix over his shoulders like a dead deer and began to run back along the path they came, moving around the dead Thalmor and Draugr. It took him a few minutes but it wasn't long till they got to the surface.


Svarn stopped outside the Labryinthian and set Felix down, "I am going to start us a fire, keep an eye out." Felix nodded, he was glad to be on the earth again but he was too tired to throw a witty remark at the Nord.


And with that Svarn vanished into the nearby foothills for a few minutes, he returned with a large bundled load of firewood that looked heavy enough for a Troll to carry. Felix smiled, Svarn was indeed as strong as a troll. He threw the wood down on the ground and began building a fire by striking a piece of flint on the head of his axe, the sparks soon turned to flames and Felix felt the wash of warm cover him, Svarn opened his pack and tossed Felix a bottle of Alto Wine, which the Imperial deftly caught. He popped the cork with his teeth, raised the mug to the Nord and drank deeply. Svarn removed the bone needle and string he used to stitch wounds and sat down next to him.


He took the Wine, drank some of it and poured some more on the string and needle. Felix quickly snatched the wine back and chuckled. "Well... aren't you the caring wolf-mother." He said as Svarn cleaned the wound with a rag soaked in wine, the pain filled him but soon vanished after he took a few extra drinks. Svarn then began to stitch the wound, Felix bit his lip and groaned, he knew that too much noise could give away their position. After a long while, the wounds were stitched tightly and Felix lay drunk beside the fire with an empty bottle of WIne.

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Adrynn nodded to Kriak. As much as he missed traveling with his former companion, they each had their own tasks to attend to. Plus, Velanya must be getting impatient by now. He was sure Faeryn and Serra had reached her already. He just hoped she would stay her wrath so he could explain his.... detour.


"Very well then, Kriak. I wish you well in your quest, and pray you can return some day so we may travel again. Farewell, Huntsman," Adrynn said, walking forward and clasping the hunter's forearm in a gesture as old as war itself. He looked hard into Kriak's face, and nodded one last time. Letting go, he turned and glanced at Baltis.


"It seems you are coming with us, Lich. Unless you would rather stay here..." he trailed off. He walked over to where Ra'Qassar lay unconscious and laid a hand on his furry forehead. Adrynn closed his eyes and readied a healing spell, before slowly releasing it into the Khajiit. Hopefully he would awaken soon enough to travel. Standing and pulling his cloak tighter around him, he warded off the chill of the cold stones, and bit back his anger and exasperation at once again being a plaything of Azura's whim.


Azura, when my time comes, you will have much to account for, he whispered toward her.


Indeed my child, as will you...

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As Faeryn helped Serra assemble the firewood, a loud rumble of thunder came from over one of the mountains nearby.


"Great," the gruff Ordinator remarked, glancing up at the sky, "At least very little of my equipment can rust."




Sandhya had left the ruin soon after the burly Nord and the blind man. She knelt near the fire and warmed her hands, watching both of them with nearly unblinking silver eyes. She said nothing, though a slight toothy grin glimmered in the firelight.

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Relieved to be out of the vile labyrinth, Sienna breathed in the crisp frozen air with a heavy sigh, a great weight had lifted and the feelings of lethargy vanished, finally out of the clutches of those seeking tendrils. The events that had transpired in those ruins struck a personal chord for the Dunmeri general, and she could not shake the feeling that she had intruded on personal affairs, however unavoidable.


"You all fought bravely in there... I wish I could have said the same- My example is one tarnished, do forgive me for such a display of weakness... those halls sapped me of all energy." Sienna remarked disheartened, kneeling to warm her joints by the flames of the campfire. If anything she looked older after entering that place.




"Marczon? Ah, that would be why you look familiar, the men of your lineage strike a similar visage regardless of the generation. Lecuaro I knew, a fine man, and you strike me as much the same." Morgiah replied with the same rapturous tone, her delicate hand forming an intricate script as she wrote, each letter joined with the next in a magnificent fashion. Before folding the letter she withdrew from her robe a small, folded sheet of paper, dropping it into the envelope first, it was followed by the note shortly after.


With a swift movement of her hand, the letter was sealed with candle-wax and a press of her signet ring, deftly holding it up for the legionnaire to take from her. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

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Svarn took the freshly cooked hare from the spit and flayed off a hunk of meat with his knife. He seemed resilient despite the harrowing encounter deep within the tomb. Felix lay snoring beside him, a wine bottle loosely hanging from his fingers. Fenrir barked as he approached him and Sienna. The half-wolf sat next to him and Svarn cut off a chunk of meat for the house and tossed it to him.


"You did well... you stood your ground. Most would not, not against that... horror." He said between bites of hare. "And because you stood, we got out alive and victorious." Svarn said as he looked into her eyes and then smiled.

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After the chaos of what had just occurred dissipated, Galus steadied himself. When things were fairly wrapped up, he approached Kriak, "Thank you. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead."


The huntsman smiled, a gesture that Galus couldn't fully appreciate without knowing the rarity of it. "Repay the favor." He nodded towards Adrynn and Ra'Qassar and gestured with his elbow towards Baltis, "Keep them alive, and the debt is paid."


Galus nodded, a new fire in his eyes and followed the rest of the group to the surface, leaving the lingerers behind.




Baltis stared intently at Kriak. "I won't forget this Kriak. You stopped us from destroying one another, but you've taken the most precious thing in the world from me. I hope you had a good reason." His flash of anger dissipated though, "I will teach this Khajiit, as much as I can. The art is a little difficult without the... ahem. necessary components." He nodded to Kriak before casting a spell of feather upon himself and the Khajiit and hefted the cat-man over his shoulder as easily as a sack of flour. Which made sense, since Ra'Qassar became roughly the same weight.


Baltis walked with Adrynn out of Labyrinthian. "I'm sorry about what happened Adrynn. Truly I am." He glanced sidelong at the Redoran, attempting to make eye contact. Even though it had been nearly 200 years since it happened, and even longer since he had died, the lich still felt guilty.

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Adrynn didn't reply immediately. He swallowed hard to push away the sudden rise of emotions that choked him. Even after two centuries, the death of his wife Garila still haunted him. It had happened in the midst of the Oblivion Crisis, when Adrynn and his companions were deep in Cyrodiil hunting the Mythic Dawn, only to have the gates of Oblivion open around them. It had been hell. Literally. Garila and Baltis had volunteered to go close a Gate, because Adrynn had been wounded during the Siege of Cheydinhal and their other companions were spread across Cyrodiil. Adrynn had been against it, but Garila, being his ever headstrong wife, had done so anyways. Unfortunately, she had fallen in the Gate, and Baltis had been the only one to exit, clutching the Sigil Stone. Adrynn, overcome with grief, had demanded to know what had happened, and the lich had stuttered that Garila had been wounded and he couldn't reach her in time to save her, so he had pressed on. The Redoran would have struck down the lich then and there in his anger, but Kriak had intervened then, as in now, staying Adrynn's hand.


The Redoran swallowed again, clearing his throat. He realized that he had held onto his anger for the lich for far too long, blaming him for Garila's death, when in reality, Baltis had spoken the truth. It was like a kick to the ribs, driving the air from his lungs. He let out a shuddered gasp and tried to push the tears back, but they came anyway. Adrynn nodded finally as they reached the cavern of the skeletal dragon.


"I forgive you Baltis. Though I have dreamed of ending your existance, I realize now that it would not bring her back," the Redoran said, keeping a stoic face, despite his tears. He truly missed Garila, and knew that he would not even see her in the afterlife, as since he was a Chosen of Azura, his soul was bound to Moonshadow, and not pass to Aetherius or stay to protect his descendants, though seeing as he was childless, didn't seem so bad. Finally, they reached the great door of Labyrinthian. Adrynn turned to Baltis, and stuck out his hand.


"To new beginnings, and the burying of our past," Adrynn offered, staring into the sightless eyes of Baltis' face.

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