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Wisdom of the Ancestors - An Elder Scrolls RP


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Willis bowed his head in polite thanks.


"I am no stranger to bloodshed," he assured the elf, taking a position near the female Khajiit. "And make no mistake, what I have to say is quite relevant to you and your kin. However, I will try to be as succinct as possible, and if you would ask me to go my own way after that, I shall heed that request."

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Sorinyarie: To the Reach



Sorin eyed the mage warily. She still hadn't fully recovered from the events at the Labyrinthian, and her mood had been noticeably darker and sullener since they left. She hoped it was simply a side effect of the Labyrinthian's leeching. However, she stood vigilant with her somewhat regained magicka at the ready and a hand on her sword throughout the discourse with the mage, ready for trouble should the man prove hostile at some point.



Serrabinashiah Masseribalit: The Reach



Serra could hardly believe her eyes - there lay Former Saint and Mournful General Iodiria, battered, blooded, and beaten on the ground. The scout made note of the Forsworn bodies strewn off to the side, and briefly wondered just how dangerous the Reachmen were becoming if even a legend such as Iodiria was a possible casualty for them. Her thoughts weren't allowed to wander for long, though. Before anything more could be said, she heard battle cries sound from the hills on the other side of the trail. A second later, a gang of five Forsworn charged over the hill with a sixth member remaining atop the hill with her bow.


"I think she's pissed the rest of the raiding party off......" Serra commented as she drew her rapier and dagger. "If we're gonna run, we need to bolt now."

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Sandhya glanced sideways at the stranger mage, her silver eyes narrowed, "This one would at least like to know your name, if you are to come with us. This one is called Sandhya."




"Oh, blast and damnation!" Faeryn cursed, seeing the rest of the Forsworn coming straight for them. It was a tough decision to make on the spot like this. Scooping up Iodiria and tossing her unceremoniously over one shoulder, the Ordinator spun around and began to run. It wasn't long before his feet found the road, and he followed it, crossing a bridge and moving southward and then eastward along the cobbled path, beside a fast-moving river. He thought of nothing but finding safety, his eyes soon fastening on another pair of bridges that led across the rapids to a mountainous "island" on his left - what could only be the Karthspire. He hoped Serra was close on his heels...


He did not stop until he had crossed the next two bridges and dashed into a tangle of ferns and juniper bushes. Here he knelt and gently let Iodiria down, all the while gasping for breath.

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Ra'Qassar - To the Reach


Ra'Qassar eyed the stranger up and down, inspecting him. He was a man of slight build, Breton. He did not look exceptionally strong physically, nor did he carry himself as such, rather he looked slightly bookish and like a mage. The group was near the Smuggler's Den and he noticed that the man came down the path from the road. Ra'Qassar listened patiently, noting how little the mage divulged of his purpose and how vague his requests were. The Breton wanted to travel with them eh? He was one and they were many, that was good, but he knew better than to let the stranger take the lead. He might claim to be lost, but that's a lie easily told.


Baltis Llervu - To the Reach


Baltis averted his gaze from the stranger as he approached so that the lich could conjure up his eyes. No need to go tipping this newcomer off to his nature yet. It was best to keep an ace in the whole for this sort of thing. Liches had a tendency to put people on their guard. The man reeked of magic and sorcery. This one had a slightly acrid aura with a melodious undertone. Destruction and Restoration, the two opposites. They fought for control in this man it seemed. He had, at least at one point, been a righteous man, now vengeance dripped from his magicka signature like a festering wound. Baltis misliked the Breton immediately. His sword was another point of disdain for the lich. Silver, he found, was a metal carried most often by the overly self-righteous and the misguided vigilantes. The man wanted to travel with them. Baltis noticed that Ra'Qassar glanced off at the other head of the game trail they had been following and smirked slightly to himself. He voiced his opinion quickly, "Well then Breton, by all means, accompany us. Thane, lead the way if you please." Baltis tried to imply his intentions heavily to the Khajiit, but found no need. They thought alike in this matter.


If the imbecile is a bandit and means us harm, he won't have friends waiting for us along this game trail. He'd be hard pressed to spring a trap. Let's see if Adrynn picks up on this as well.


The Khajiiti Thane marched off along the game trail, Galus and Baltis followed in his wake, leading the others.



Ra'Qassar - The Reach


The group had traversed the remainder of the game trails without incident. They passed Rorikstead earlier in the day. They were making good time to Karthspire, but now the going got tougher. It had been nearly two days since they met the mage along the way. Ra'Qassar raised his hand and called a halt. He began to gather lumber and set up shelter. There were rocky crags everywhere, and a suitable overhang from a nearby cliff. It was a defensible thing. The overhang revealed a small opening, upon further investigation, however, it opened into a rather large, dome-like structure that could quite comfortably house them, yet, there were no further caves that extended into the belly of the mountain from which they could be attacked. They could not survive a long siege, but if there were that many assailants, they wouldn't fair better anywhere else. He quickly had the fire blazing merrily and he was dressing a goat he had brought down nearby. Best that they save their rations for where the food got scarcer. They would need a good meal to start this.

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Two Days Earlier - To the Reach


"I am called Teremolve," Willis stated in reply to Sandhya. "Willis ra Teremolve."


Present - The Reach


Sitting near the one called Ra'Qassar, Willis took a deep breath and began his tale.


"Twelve years, I have traveled Tamriel in search of an Orc," he explained. "Also a battlemage, but of a vastly different kind. He is friend to neither the Forsworn nor the Thalmor, but neither does his allegiance lie with the Empire. His loyalty is to himself, and himself alone. This, combined with his immense power, makes him a threat to all he lays eyes on."


He paused to allow his description to sink in.


"I was once apprenticed to this man," he continued, "until I discovered the secret of his power. For some time, he has been harvesting souls for a ritual he believes will allow him to obtain a power many before him have coveted—the power of Mehrunes Dagon. If he's right, and if he succeeds, then Nirn itself may be at stake. Therefore, it is imperative that he be found and destroyed as soon as possible."


One would imagine that the matter he spoke of would have called for more urgency in his tone. Some might have called his calmness somewhat eerie. In reality, Willis did feel a very pressing sense of urgency; he merely felt that clear and concise communication was more important than conveyance of emotion.


"The problem I face," he concluded, "is that I have lost his trail. My allies and I have searched far and wide, and even where signs of this Orc's treachery are found, no one seems to have heard of him. I don't suppose the name Kr'ohr gro-Lestim means anything to any of you?"


It was a long shot, but getting the important questions out of the way would help him in the long run.

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Adrynn crouched silently next to Sorinyarie, his ruby eyes never leaving Willis's face as he told his story. The Redoran frowned. It seemed that no matter how much evil was slain or driven back in Tamriel, something else just appeared to fill the void. But that didn't mean he had to concern himself in it. He had his own matters to handle right now.


"I have not heard of this battlemage you speak of, Breton, even as well traveled as I am," Adrynn answered, his eyes hard chips of rubies in the firelight. "Though until recently, most of my travels the past decade have been in Morrowind," he added, his frown deepening. "But necromancers rise, and they all fall, eventually." He resisted the urge to glance in Baltis's direction, having noticed the lich now had a pair of functioning eyes.


"I do not wish to discourage you from your search, mage, but I cannot accompany you on it. I already have been delayed in my own quest, and I'm sure my companion has already reached my cousin. I seek to gain the days I lost, though going by what Ra'Qassar has told me, we are no more than a day away now," Adrynn said, shifting slightly under his heavy wolfskin cloak to ease the strain on his sore knee. The past few days travel had not been kind to the aging Dunmer, even though he had urged a fast pace.


"Now, tomorrow night, we will travel under the cover of night to reach the Karthspire, the great mountain that holds our destination," he said, glancing at Sorinyarie, and Baltis, whom knew about Sky Haven Temple already. "I'm sure we will have difficulties, as the terrain is craggy. But we need to make haste. I do not wish to encounter the Forsworn, nor do we need to do battle with them." He took this moment to look at everyone to make sure they understood. "If we are beset, run. Defend yourself if needed, but do not stand and fight, as you would likely be cut down. I do not wish that upon anyone here, so stuff your bravado and use your head. Agreed?"

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While his face remained as stoic as ever, Willis could not fully hide his disappointment. Nevertheless, he understood the Dunmer's reasoning and chose not to press the matter further.


"Your plan is sound," he agreed. "I am well-trained in the Destructive and Restorative arts, and I will do what I can to help, if you'll have me. Perhaps, in the course of this, I may discover the lead I've been looking for."

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Svarn sat beside the fire as the mage told his story, his feet next to the fire to warm and a cooking hare he had caught earlier roasting over the flames. Fenrir lay beside him, his mighty battle-axe well within reach.


Such is the way of Tamriel The Nord thought as the Breton imparted his tale of warning, Svarn had little care for the goings of the world so the mages tale interested him very little.


When Adrynn warned them of standing against the Forsworn Svarn finally found his words.


"Then you will run... I will stay, I would love to go to Sovngarde covered in Forsworn blood." He said dryly before ripping a foreleg off the freshly cooked animal and biting into it. Fenrir perked his head up and smiled, his long pink tongue hanging out of his mouth and his dark amber eyes fixed on Svarn's meat.


Svarn cut a leg off for Fenrir and tossed it in front of him, the Hound dug into it with abandon. He had not eaten in several days.

Edited by Macman253
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Adrynn gave Svarn a long cold stare at the Nord's comment. He stood up and looked down at the hunter, his eyes showing his distaste.


"I have not survived two and a half centuries of combat by being careless or foolish, Nord. Especially with such an enemy," he said, his voice hard as steel. "If you wish to sacrifice your life for an attempt at glory, then you are only wasting my time." Adrynn had not realized how suddenly his temper had snapped. Though his voice was calm, his words spoke the truth of his anger.


"You are an able warrior, Svarn, but no man can hope to face twenty alone and hope to live," Adrynn said, unclenching his left hand and holding it up, his moon and star brand plain to see. "Well, unless you have a little help."

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Sandhya leaned back on her hands and crossed her ankles as she sat before the fire. She half-thought about offering to scout ahead, but then held her tongue, merely replying, "This one will do as you say. Sandhya has traveled much of Skyrim, and she knows the Forsworn are trouble. This one would much rather sneak around them...much better for Khajiit that way."


Then, when she saw the symbol upon Adrynn's palm, Sandhya purred loudly, "Azurah...Mother of the Khajiiti. Perhaps it is good that this one has followed you."

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