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Follower wont follow


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Ok so I made a follower and put him in a house. All of the follower dialogue works fine as in I can tell him to follow me and He says ok. But once I do that he just stands there and never actually follows me. Then I go outside (the house is located just out of whiterun) and It tells me that my follower cannot accompany me here.


Has anyone ever had this problem before, or does anyone know how to fix it?

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You should navmesh the area and point to the teleport marker by the door if you connected the interior to the exterior world.

Like the interior the exterior should also be navmeshed so the npc with the package and faction know where to go.

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Alright, thanks for your response. I checked the navmesh and as far as I could tell nothing was out of the ordinary. So thats not the problem. Also as far as packages go, Im pretty sure I dont have any packages assigned, cuz I just wanted to get the follower part working, then worry about all of that stuff.


So if anyone else has any suggestions, plz let me know.

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