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Stardew Valley

Streamlabs OBS suddenly not working.


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Hello. I recently updated my smapi to 3.9.5 and this seems to have somehow effected my stream labs obs. It was able to stream modded stardew just fine last week and then when i wanted to install a new mod that required 3.9.5 it suddenly only shows a black screen in streamlabs obs.


When trying to capture stardew, streamlabs behaves a bit strange as well. It will continuously show the anchor tabs for resizing a video source off and on as if its recognizing stardew but only for an instant at a time, no video shows up though.


I just thought to add this point in here as im typing this and i dont think they are connected but i did recently upgrade to a 144hz monitor and am using its display port instead of its hdmi port, the hdmi port is being used by my capture card. Also, when i try to capture my main display it does the same thing it does with stardew and seems like its trying to pick up the video, but it doesnt.


Stardew is one of my main series on my channel so i would really appreciate any help.


UPDATE: For the record, yes i did try running stardew normally through steam and streamlabs obs picked it up just fine. With that in mind im thinking it must have something to do with smapi 3.9.5.

Edited by Marshall123x
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UPDATE: I figured it out.


For those interested, it was indeed because of the display port. SL OBS runs off my GPU's graphics display but i had my monitor plugged into the display port on my MOBO. Some cable swapping seems to have fixed the problem.

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