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After modding, game does not load old save

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As the title says, I can't load my old save game after downloading mods. Starting a new game works fine; loads up, game starts, runs well, no problems. But if I try to load my old save it just sits at the load screen (with the still images and spinning roulette wheel) forever. The stills change and the wheel spins but the game never actually starts. Is this just an issue with the save not having the mod data associated with it?


I have the following mods installed:


Active Wasteland - Active Wasteland 151 Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.51 1.51 Highsight

Ambient Temperature - Ambient Temperature - Nevada Skies 1_0 Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.2 1.2 Imp of the Perverse

Ambient Temperature - Ambient Temperature 1_2_1 Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.2.1 1.2 Imp of the Perverse

Bottle That Water - Bottle That Water 1_05 Gameplay Effects and Changes v1.05 1.05 LFox

Bottlecaps Have Weight - Bottlecaps Have WEight Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.0 1.0 Jacob Dieffenbach

Fellout NV - Fellout 1_4_1 Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.4.1 1.4 Hattix

Fellout NV - Fellout for Old World Blues Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.0 1.4 Hattix

Fellout NV - Greener Grass Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.4 1.4 Hattix

IMCNNV - Imps More Complex Needs - IMCNNV Hotfix A Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.0.3 1.0.3 Imp of the Perverse

IMCNNV - Imps More Complex Needs - Imps More Complex Needs Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.0.3 1.0.3 Imp of the Perverse

Imps More Complex Needs DLC Compatibility Patches - Imps More Complex Needs- DLC Support ONLY Gameplay Effects and Changes 1.4 1.4 GenaTrius

Nevada Skies - Weather Effects BETA and URWLified - NSkies 0-6 Data Gameplay Effects and Changes 0.6 0.6 Yoss and Marcurios

Nevada Skies - Weather Effects BETA and URWLified - NSkies 0-6-3 ESP Gameplay Effects and Changes 0.6.3 0.6 Yoss and Marcurios

New and Improved Perks - NewAndImprovedPerks v140 Gameplay Effects and Changes 140 1.40c Lautreamont

New and Improved Perks - NewAndImprovedPerks v140c Gameplay Effects and Changes 140c 1.40c Lautreamont

Realistic Repair - Realistic Repair v0_9_5 Gameplay Effects and Changes 0.9.5 0.9.5 defear

Light Step ED-E - Light-Step-ED-E Companions 1.0 1.0 Save-vs-DM

DOF Depth of Field - DoF Bundle v1-1 Default 1.0 1.0 fLokii

Reload - Reload 2F Weapons 2F 2F FluidFire and contributors


And the mod manager, of course.

Edited by direwolfrabbit
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Ok, so. It turns out, derpy me didnt even have the mods installed; just DOWNLOADED. Not sure what was causing the save issue. Probably a problem with my asystem (I'm running vista, so... yeah.)


Now I have the mods all installed (confirmed with the mod manager and te launcher's data screen) and the game wont even start. I open the mod manager, click launch NV and the launcher appears. I click play and the first legal screen shows up for an insant before the game crashes; screen goes white, the "Program has encountered an error, windows is trying to fix" message appears and the FalloutNV has stopped working" box appoears.


I'm pretty sure its a PEBCAK error. Heres what I did to install, maybe I did something wrong.


1. backed up my Data folders by making a new folder entitled "backup Data files" and copy-pasting the Data folder into it

2. copy-pasted the mod information from C:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\FalloutNV\Mods to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data

3. used WinRAR to extract all the compressed files, clicking "yes to all" when prompted to overwrite (is this where I went wrong?)


I'm about to go through and disable each mod one by one, see if one of them is causing problems.

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