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Old World Blues: A post-ending mod

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Alright, I've been dreaming about this for quite a while now...


Remember Old World Blues? The endings implied when you complete each of the labs' test, they would've affected the Mojave one way or another, but when you return to the Mojave you realize nothing happened. You don't see cyberdogs around the wastes, you don't see robobrains at REPCONN as the ending implied.


So, you know what I want? I'd would like if there's a mod when you complete X-13 and/or X-8's tests, certain things would happen to the Mojave:


X-13: Robobrains would be seen guarding the REPCONN headquarters.

X-8: Cyberdogs would appear around the Mojave.


It'd have made the endings much less jarring and it would've breathed new life into the Mojave a bit.

Edited by Panzermann11
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