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Riddick Eye Shining


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M'kay - so my mother and I were discussing the new Chronicles of Riddick movie coming out on facebook. She left a comment "How do I get eyes like that?" And this spurred me into thinking about...how can I get eyes like that? My first thought was - Skyrim, of course! So I, being completely devoid of any ability to mod, have a proposition for someone(s) that is skilled with creating custom characters, quests, dialogues, spell creation, scripting, and even retexturing/coloring.


I've always liked the idea of Night Eye - some mods require you to have sources of light. But being a spellsword or a 2H user left out the option of using a torch. Wearable lanterns only offered so much light and killed any hopes of a sneak game with the sneak mods I have. This left just a few options. Be a Khajiit - no thank you meow. Teach myself the spell through console - cheating. Download a mod that adds it into game via-spellbook - might as well use console. Going vampire and using the vampire overhaul to get nightvision - not quite cheating...but too close - plus it forces you to play a certain style. I'm sure I've missed some options and there might be something close to what I'm about to suggest.


As the title states: This idea comes from the Chronicles of Riddick and his eye "shining" process that allows him to see in the dark. It also leaves him blind during the day without his goggles. This addresses both in a manner that I hope retains enough lore-friendliness to allow a player to access the ability without feeling like they warped the game too badly.


I wrote some notes on my iPhone while at the Indy500 Qualifications. Yay rain! Pardon if the ideas don't flow quite well but I figure I can hammer out more finite details once someone decides they want to feed my fancy.




Our quest would start in Black Reach. The player walks into a seemingly abandoned house, I think the "farm" house is a good location as it is mostly abandoned. Upon entering a scattering of dead bandits litter the floor. Their pools of blood forming a pool and at the far shore a figure sits in a chair. The darkness obscures his form. He senses you and looks up, alert. Eyes, silver as mercury meet yours. A sense of fear overwhelms you as that gaze locks with yours. The feeling is primal - you the prey, he the the hunter. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?" He chuckles through the dark. "Did they send you to finish the job? And here I expected more." A small laugh and a scuffle as he shifts in his chair. His hands briefly enter the light and you can see he is still bound. Something like fear jolts into your mind as you realize he had dispatched this small army of bandits with just his bare hands...which were still bound with rope! "No...I think you're here for something else. Come closer and lets talk. Maybe make a deal."


At this point you walk forward and commence dialogue with him. He is a male Breton with a massive build, wearing rags, wielding no weapon, and his hair is shaved as close as possible to his scalp. His most defining feature are his eyes. Mercury orbs that glow with their own light. "The name's Ridd Deck. Been locked down here for a few years. Figured I could use the rest so I just let it happen. Thing is, decided it was time to go - these guys thought elsewise. Had to...pursuade...them to think different." The thought of this man being kept captive by the men around you was a bit amusing as he had seemingly dispatched them with ease. "Oh, don't think these worthless bandits could keep me here. They were just here for the price on my head. The real captors...well, you've seen them around. Falmer. Weak when alone - but get cornered by a few dozen. Man has his limits. They tried their best to make me bend the knee and submit to their fates. I had other plans. Spent a few years in darkness and had to make a few decisions. Found a man that, for a price, shined my eyes. Free of my dark prison the hunters fell to being the prey. Wasn't quite able to figure a way back to the surface, so I let myself get caught by these sorry excuses around you. Sad thing is, they failed to finish the job. That's where you step in. Free me from my bonds and I'll gladly repay the favor. I just have one request before you get to that."


At this point a player dialogue option appears "Just tell me what you want done?" and "I've got better things to do." The player can select the second option and resume the quest at a later point without consequence. Ridd Deck will just state "You'll be back. They always come back." Selecting the first option will proceed the quest, his bonds will disappear and he'll remain seated. "I managed to kill some of those that kept me captive for all those years. But I want to see you are...capable...of the gift I posses. I need you to dish out some much needed punishment. Get out there, kill them until you have a few handfuls - lets say...20? Of their ears. Trophies to take back home with me. Now...get out there and come back when you have what I want. Then we'll deal." He sits back, content to wait while you go about his task.


Returning to him with the 20 Falmer Ears will complete the first quest and new dialogue will commence. "So, you had it in you after all. Good. Now, I might not look it, but I'm pretty good with magick. I was able to figure out what that man did and can replicate the results...somewhat. The effect is permanent. As far as I can tell. What do you say? Are you in?" The player can opt out of the quest at this point and decline the offer. "I don't think I want that." He'll prompt a second time to ensure the player isn't wanting to progress. By answering "Yeah, don't think so." If the player chooses the agreement option "Sure, tell me...how can I get eyes like that?" - With the agreement option Ridd Deck chuckles and responds, "Well, you've already spent some time in the dark - so let me just do the rest." He casts a non-harmful spell on the player that then grants the power of "Eye Shine." This effect grants permanent night eye. "I didn't really need you to escort me out - just figured it was easier to have you cut the bonds than to flop down in their blood to use one of their blades. See you around." With that - he casts an invisibility spell that also triggers a despawn for the NPC and he is no longer available. This effect also occurs if the player declines his offer. The same end-dialogue works as well.


Permanent Night Eye? Sounds like a pain? Well, it is. That's where this next portion of the quest comes into play.


As you go to leave the room that he is in - you'll notice a note written by an alteration mage from the College. I don't know all those NPC names and would have to log on to the game, which I can't right now, and find it. Basically a male mage with a skill in alteration would be the target. Details later. Anyways...


Reading the note will show the text "Rumors have surfaced from this area of a man specialized in ocular alteration magicks. However, a week of searching has yielded nothing. Too exhausted to continue. Returning to the College in hopes to find another lead. I leave this note for any who have information, please seek me out." This starts a quest that leads you to the NPC at the College.


Arriving at the college - seek out the NPC and commence conversation. "What do you...wait! What's wrong with your eyes?!? Don't tell me..." At this point the player can give him the note. "I see, I see. So you are the man I was seeking?"

Player response, "No, but I did find a man that might have been who you were looking for."

Mage response, "So where is he!?!"

Player response, "He vanished...but he told me he received the power from another man."

The mage ponders this and commences dialogue. "Interesting. I have a request...you can decline but I figure the offer stands if you change your mind. I would like to study your eyes further. I wish to understand this power better. It's fairly...subtle in terms of probing. But will require you to not blink. Don't worry - I'll take care of that. What do you say?" The player can say "No thanks." and return at any time to change their mind. Agreeing will progress the quest and the mage will then cast a paralyze spell on you that lasts 15 seconds. "Now...lets see..." he states as he casts magelight. After the effects wear off, you can talk with him again. "It's very interesting. The power is mostly complete. But there are flaws throughout the weaving. Whoever did this was definitely only adept at best. I believe I can improve the effects. Now, don't be startled, but the origins of this magic are daedric. Whoever granted this...let us not worry about that. In order to help you I will require a few items. Namely, 5 daedra hearts. I will also need a pinch of void salt and some charcoal. Oh...and 10,000 gold septims. A mage has to eat after all." The quest progresses and the player will need to return with all items in their inventory. "Good, good. Again, I'll need you to stay very still..." He then casts paralysis again on the player. This removes the current Shine Eye power and grants a new toggleable ability Greater Shine Eye. This allows the player to turn on and off their night eye so they are not blind in the day. "It seems to have worked. Just so you know, I've recorded the information and have a tome for sale that will let you relearn this power. How you'd lose it in the first place is beyond me. I'll sell it to you for cheap, since you helped with the research. 25,000 gold septims. A mage has to...well, you understand by now."


Now, just like all things - some players might decide they don't like their decision and since removing a mod can have negative or unwanted consequences I've added an optional questline to remove this power.


At the Shrine to Talos you will find a note that talks about a mage that can cure any "disease" onset by the daedric arts. This note states "If you are reading this note and feel you are beset by the unholy binds of the daedra please seek me out immediately. - Falion." This begins the quest to remove your power Shine Eye or Greater Shine Eye. Travel to Morthal and seek him out. Those that have cured vampirism should be familiar with him already. He will have a new dialogue option "Mage, I wish to revoke the possession of my eyes." This will prompt him to have you "I see. Most...interesting. I will need a soul to offer in order to cleanse your soul. Beasts have the most pure soul - please bring me a filled Grand Soul Gem. Do this, and we can work on a cure." Return with the soul gem and he will ask you to meet him at the ritual site he goes to when curing vampirism...again, at dawn. Talk to him - and he will commence the same ritual he does for vampirism. Something fishy here...or just lazy. Either way, you're cured. You lose the power and your eyes return to normal. He walks away - not saying another word. If you change your mind later you can always pay that starving mage the 25,000 gold septims he wants to relearn the power.




Now, this is just an idea. The things I would need from the modder are mostly technical skills. I've basically laid a brick road to follow and could provide any missing dialogue and other options.


As it stands, I would need:

Ability to create 1 Male Breton NPC with shaved head + rags as well as showing bonds from being a prisoner. These will be removed via-quest dialogue just like the random encounters with prisoners.


Custom dialogue - does not need to be voice acted. Just make sure to tell players to enable subtitles. Lots of custom dialogue. Most this mod lies in the conversations and NPC interaction.


Custom triggers - player interactions with the mage mostly. Getting it to cast the proper spells as well as adding/removing powers are a must.


Ability to recolor/retexture - for the eye shine effect on the player, I am just wanting the vampire eyes recolored silver. Lazy? Eh, I just like how they look in the dark.


Quest Knowledge - from adding quests to completing quests. Obviously this is a MUST for this mod to work ^.^


Ability to add NPC + dead bandits to the house in Black Reach.


Anything else I forgot? Not really savvy with modding, so I might have missed some things.




Thanks for taking the time to read this and hopefully you are interested in the prospect. I feel that if this mod is done right it will give players the ability to play using night eye without feeling like they cut some corners. Not to mention it gives a few interesting quests for the player to do. Some gold sink, stupid hungry mage at the College. And hopefully just something they'll enjoy doing on their characters time and again.


Sorry if this is in a completely horrendous format and hard to follow. Please inbox me questions or if you are interested and we'll get to talking right away!




~Corvus / Faldric

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