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Requesting Help - Nexus Mod Manager Load Order


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I am using both mods from both the Nexus and Steam, and the Nexus Mod Manager for the Nexus mods.


I currently have a functional female vampire, but the appearance mods I want to use are not working. I am attempting to use the following mods:


Better Vampires by Brehanin 6-1:


Vampire Eyes Fix:


Snow White Vampires:


RV Vampire Eyes:


Female Vampires Have Fangs:



All these show up in NMM under the Mods tab, but only Better Vampires and Vampire Eyes Fix appear in the Plugins tab. The description under Better Vampires mentioned the importance of load order, and suggested the texture replacers should come before Better Vampires. I have moved Vampire Eyes Fix ahead in the Plugins tab. Unfortunately, I cannot change the load order under the Mods tab.


Currently, they are in alphabetical order, and all "Unassigned" for Category. I know some mods don't have plugins that go with them. I have also tried to modify load order through plugins.txt, but the ones I need don't appear either. I have also run BOSS, but to no avail (none I could determine, at least).


Thanks in advance for any and all assistance.


Addendum: Restarted NMM. I also ran the game through Steam; the BV mod had suggested having SKSE, and SKSE suggested launching it through that. I used the internal menus on BV to cure and re-infect myself.


Female Vampires Have Fangs now works, but the eye mods and Snow White vampires don't. I have vampires with ashen faces and regular skin bodies.

Edited by Lycanthrokeith
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