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Mod Request


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I wish I was a wiz that knew how to make mods, but alas I am no such thing. I have an idea for a mod, and hopefully someone can take up the cause.


I'd like to see a mod that made it so the damage you do upon striking an enemy is displayed as a number, like in classic turnbased RPGs (Final Fantasy for instance). When playing oblivion, your character gets better, but since you never know how much damage you're doing, or even how many total HP your enemy has, it doesn't really feel like you're improving. But if you could see that at the beginning of the game you're doing 6 damage, but by level 20 you're doing 100 (or whatever it may be), then you would feel more like the badass that you are). I think that would be awesome. Let me know if it's even possible, and if you're willing to do it.

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