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Open city mod not working


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This mod is the bane of me. I have spent 3 hours trying to fix it.  It worked fine for a little bit, then I waited, then exited out of skyrim. I come back on and got infinite loading... and now everytime i try to use this mod I get infinite loading. EVERY TIME. It's an awesome mod... I just want it to work. Can someone help???

One part says adding things to closed cities causes problems... I don't know what that means. I have a custom home in whiterun if that means anything.

nope tried deleting the house and still no cigar.

Edited by Sephirothskr
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Open Cities is highly incompatible with ANY MOD that alters ANYTHING inside of a city.


So. Unless you run a close-to-vanilla skyrim...

"I have a custom home in whiterun if that means anything."


That means the end of Open Cities.



"nope tried deleting the house and still no cigar."


Your save game will still know it's suppose to be there... you have to start with new game. Realistic Lighting Overhaul (believe it or not) also adds things in Whiterun. Many mods add something to a city.



I tried the same, at the end gave up and removed Open Cities & not care about the load screens.

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