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henry leveractions


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if anyone would be so kind as to make this for me, id really appreciate it


i would be interested in a lever action shotgun, and POSSIBLY/OPTIONALY (with Millenia and Tigg's permision of course) mares leg http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48241/?


with henry's brass recievers ( http://www.shootingtimes.com/files/2010/09/stbigboy_111706c.jpg )


and some faded grey wood for stock and grip ( http://www.alishanstone.com/Chinese%20Marble%20Slabs/Grey_Wood_Grain/China_Grey_Wood_Grain_marble_Slabs_06.jpg )


as for stats, i would like

(lever action shotgun)

12gage: damage 90 (with perk) 120 (without perks damage if you don't add it to the perks, because i have like 90% of the perks that increase damage) (8 BB's)

item hp: 300
weight: 6 pounds
capacity: 5
spread: 5
reload speed .8 with perk .5 without
strength requirement: 5
skill requirement: guns 75



(mares leg)

357 magnum, damage 60 if you add it to all the perks [100 damage if you don't add it to the perks, because i have like 90% of the perks that increase damage)
item hp: 250
weight: 4 pounds
capacity: 5
spread: 0
reload speed 0.5 (0.3 if not added to the speed reload perks)
strength requirement: 5
skill: 75 guns
(all other stats i leave to your discretion)

Edited by rookthebunwolf
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