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Stardew Valley

Fruit, Veggies, Flowers, and bones/artifact images disappear


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I did some updates on various files, and when I opened the game next the stuff that I can only assume is from More Fruits and Veggies mod isn't actually showing the image. I removed it and redownloaded but still cant see the items. The name of the item is there though and it looks like the image is in the mod folder. Not sure where the issue with the flowers would be from. Assuming the bones is from the Boarding House which I'd also just updated, but again, all the images are in the folder.





Edited by Tortall
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Update: Realized that the mod animals like the pink bunny, void cow, merchant cow, alpaca, they show up fine no problem, but their products are "there" but not there. I have a pink iridium rabbit foot I keep in my inventory and the little purple star is there, but no foot.

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