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Suspended house?


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I recently had (what I thought was) a good idea for a Player Owned House mod:

A house built suspended from the natural arch in which Solitude is built? I don't know how "possible" it would be or if it would even be a good idea, it just seems like the coolest place for a house mod in my opinion. You could then consider like a huge ladder up the stone wall as an entrance and a trapdoor or something inside the Solitude city limits as another entrance.

The house could be as big or as small as the space would allow, but you could make it multiple storeys also, even if you just have the lower storeys suspended and the upper levels actually carved in to the stone above? The lower levels could exit on to a balcony that surrounds the house with a few more levels for viewing etc, and possibly one part of the balcony area could not have a guard rail, allowing you to jump straight from the house in to the water below, which would accomodate easily leaving the house (instead of having to exit through the Solitude load door and exit the actual city).

To accompany the ability to jump in to the water, a small staircase to exit the water more efficiently could also possibly be implemented?

This idea has been rattling around in my head, and I'm quite sure it hasn't been done (although I haven't done an EXHAUSTIVE search) so it could be an interesting and fruitful project for a modder!

Let me know what your thoughts are on this idea? :)

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I think your idea is completely doable as I've done some rather expensive player homes recently. The only problem I have with it is the location... Solitude. Solitude seems to be a touchy area in the game. I've done most of my player house modding in Whiterun. My most recent mod was better Breezehome basement. This has as the title States a basement naturally but there are several other areas of the house that have been improved. I have plans for updates in the very near future as well as some exciting additions. I will also be releasing sometime in the near future a movie themed house in that same town. Would you be interested in an alternate location for the house that use put together? Some place besides solitude? Edited by a3970010
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Hey I just threw the idea out there, the main idea for the house stemmed from the fact that it's the only place I could think of from which you could actually suspend an entire house, but if you can think of a better place to put it, go ahead, it's your project not mine :)

Could you link to your BH mod? I'd like to check it out!

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