PlumeInterdite Posted May 20, 2013 Share Posted May 20, 2013 Hello, I just recently started using mods with Skyrim and made some tutorials to learn how to make some yourself. I decided at first to make a little mod which adds a ring like The One Ring in LotR. So I went through all the process and most importantly created a new type of invisibility which doesn't disappear, when you do anything (at least I think so).So I made a test. I gave my player character this One Ring went to Windhelm and tried to pickpocket. Now, my characters pickpocketing skills are VERY bad. Thus, I got automatically caught. Yet, it happened, that my invisibility didn't seemed to work. My enemy could follow me through the streets of Windhelm as if I was totally visible. (btw: people spoke to me while being invisible and I really didn't do anything) I made some test. Here is how far I got with my reasoning :I know for example that in some dungeons bandits start to look for you if you are out of their sight. I suppose thus, that NPCs not only get the position of the dragonborn, but actual need to get some informations about where he is (direct sight, or logic links like "I just thus saw him. He went right and now I don't see him. Thus he is in the right floor."). Thirst I thought that it is linked with the sneaking skill, but after adding a high sneakingboost (skill was over 1000), I realized that it most probably has something to do with the fact that I didn't succeeded the pickpocketing and thus am automatically attacked. It is as if invisibility in Skyrim wasn't intended to be a way to escape fights. Yet, if I hide behind a tree or something like that, nobody seems me (while having the skill over 1000).I suppose that a combination out of Invisibility+Fortify Sneak+Something-to-be-like-sneaking-and-hiding-all-the-time would make someone invisible in the eye of the game, Muffle would be optional. For those who would ask, why I bother so much: I am someone who want to do the things right and at the moment they aren't. I will give two examples.The One Ring made for example Sam go through a Tower in Mordor an rescue Frodo from the orcs quite easy (compared to the difficulty of the tasked without the ring, it was easy).If an invisible person would ambush you, you couldn't say were he is, after he stabbed you. You could use your other senses to gain informations but that's all.None of those examples are possible at the moment, in my experience at least. Does anyone know a little bit more about the way how all this stuff works in Skyrim? Or better: Were I can read about that?I looked in the Creation Kit wiki, the Nexusmods wiki and some other places but couldn't find anything. I hope to learn more about modding and to give to community a nice The One Ring mod,Plume P.S.: The English may be a little strange, I am no native speaker and sometimes use formulations from other languages.P.P.S.: I can of course upload the plugin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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