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[Mod Request] Professions and Expertise


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Vikings actually weren't just warriors they mainly farmed or did other trades when not raiding.


Add professions to the game to further develop the co-op nature:

Farmer - collects more food from plants

Lumberjack - lower stamina when chopping wood or does more damage when chopping wood

Carpenter - lower cost for building with wood and reduce cost to make/upgrade items at the workbench

Mason - lower cost for building with stone

Chef - reduced cost for making advanced foods or more output for the same cost

Brewer - reduced cost for brewing or more output (whichever is easier)

Hunter - more drops of food items (raw meat, neck tail, etc.)

Blacksmith - Reduce cost to upgrade and make items at the forge



Expertise - as in weapons

Pick a weapon category - use less stamina and/or do a very slight bit more damage (we don't want to unbalance) and/or reduce weapon wear.


Also to prevent people from switching at will to just gain the benefits this should either be a one time selection or time based like cannot change either for 25 in game days.


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