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Mod Assist - Unlocking trees in a mod......


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Ok, I'm not the greatest when it comes to CK, in fact I can't use it at all, I don't have 15,000 degrees nor 25 doctorates to understand how to use the damn thing.. LOL

Anywho, there is a mod here on Nexus, the author has vaporized, I have repeatedly tried to ask him for help but never received an answer.

What I'm looking for help is that if someone can either unlock or remove the trees from the Misty Pines Overhaul ESP for me.

No I can not use the full mod, there is some kind of bug or conflict with it and my trees don't have branches, they have panels from the high rise buildings. Sooooooooo.. instead I only use the INI and ESP from that mod with my other foliage mod (the updated version of Resurrection - and yes it's still around and I know where to get it), this way I have the ground fog/clouds/mist that floats through the commonwealth. I haven't been down to Nuka yet as I want to complete a bunch of things where I am first.

The problem with the ESP is this...

It has un-scrapable pine trees. The trees are great but because of other mods - like Resurrection - in a LOT of locations you have 2 trees occupying the same space and it's a b&@*$ to spend 1/2 to 3 hours going around scrapping trees here and there. Course this used to be worse when I first started using the first available version of Resurrection V1.3.6 as that one had 2 to 10 trees almost in the same spot, laying flat, upside down, growing through houses and more.. GAWD that was a nightmare.

If the author of Misty Pines would get his head out of his posterior and give some help that would be great, I won't be here asking others instead.

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