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Create invisible object using textures?

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What I'm wanting to do is take the saloon sign from goodsprings, and make it appear to be hanging from the chain off of someones roof or something. So I would need to get rid of the 3 posts on the model for it to work properly. Is there a way that I can do this by adding a specific texture to the frame of the sign? I tried taking the texture set and removing the textures for the wooden frame so that it was only showing the alpha channel, while retaining the texture for the chain/sign, but the posts were still opaque. I'm not sure if what I'm asking is even possible without modifying the mesh of the sign (and I don't know any easy way to do this). Any suggestions much appreciated.

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i think i know which sign you mean.

here's an easy way to do it: go into geck and find NVGSSaloonSign2. it's under "world objects/static/goodsprings." double-click it and click Edit next to Model. for Frame:0, right-click in the "New Texture" column, and select "New." find "NullTextureSet" and double-click that.

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You could try having an alpha spot of 255 in the texture. I used to do that for Source textures. IDK how you'd carry that over to Gamebryo.

There was a tutorial I was watching where some guy was talking about Alpha in Fallout. Let me see if I can find it.



Edited by gir489
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i think i know which sign you mean.

here's an easy way to do it: go into geck and find NVGSSaloonSign2. it's under "world objects/static/goodsprings." double-click it and click Edit next to Model. for Frame:0, right-click in the "New Texture" column, and select "New." find "NullTextureSet" and double-click that.


Wow, I can't believe it was that easy. You are awesome. Worked perfectly! Thanks much!

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