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Learning to make interriors/exteriors.


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I finally (all but) mastered the art of making customized NPCs (which by the way, for those of you who have a custom NPC that has an endless 'whorling magic' effect on them like a conj spell etc, it's the ATRONACH PERK, remove it and the issue will disappear!)


Now, I'm wanting to make my own custom dungeon, but have never done so, so ANY advice will help!


Anything I need to be SURE to do?


Anything I need to watch out for? (not do)


Any conflict issues with objects or multiple interior types? (say making a Dweomer ruin go into a cave that becomes an ice cave, etc)


How do I link the interior to an exterior 'door/entrance,etc'


How do I link a trap to a trigger, or make a drauger 'awaken' only when you move to a certain place?


Do I need to know how to script, or are there simple "Connect Trigger Wire A, to LOLdarts B"


If all of this is answered somewhere like a guide etc


Feel free to just post a link!


P.s. I've also noticed in some player-created dungeons, the NPC's AI seems to be whacky... Melee stand around staring you don but otherwise do nothing, while ranged will shoot (bascally thier ai seems broken) anything that causes this?

Edited by Arigato
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