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Stormcloak ranked weapons? *minor spoilers* :)


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in the civil war quest, i'm sure for those who joined the stormcloaks will understand this, as the war progress, conquering forts all over skyrim, ulfric names your reputation in the battle field and rewards you with enchanted vanilla weapons. why not make a unique weapon for each name that ulfric gives you?

There are 5 ranks that can be earned if the Stormcloaks are joined during the Civil War questline. Progress in rank occurs at the completion of key battles during the war.
Unblooded - complete Joining the Stormcloaks
Ice-Veins - complete Battle for Whiterun
Bone-Breaker - complete Rescue from Fort Neugrad
Snow-Hammer - complete The Battle for Fort Sungard
Stormblade - complete The Battle for Fort Snowhawk
Battle-Maiden - the Dragonborn cannot achieve this rank.


so yeah?.. why not try making a modded unique weapons named after these ranks? :)

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